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Word for Today, Fri, 1 Sep 2000: Do you know this joy?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The reason that I write regular messages to a mailing list is to
encourage others. That is the reason that people gather
together. The other day, Larry mentioned the scripture passage
from Hebrews 10:23-25, which encourages people of faith to meet
together regularly, for the purposes of praising God and
encouraging one another. Today's scripture passage and
devotional message says much of the same. Could it be that there
is a message in it somewhere for us? My response to that is a
definite "Yes"!

I think of the old hymn, which my dad and I used to like to BOOM

We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing
He hastens and chastens His Will to make known...

I ask you, why would the Lord "hasten and chasten His Will to
make known? I have a simple answer for that, and scripture backs
me up on this, time and time again. God loves us, He made us, He
knows what is best for us, and He wants a personal relationship
with each of us. God continually invites each one of us into a
personal friendship and fellowship with Him.

Yet, God is a Holy God, altogether pure. He is righteous, and
though He is a forgiving God, He desires for us to have a right
relationship with Him.

Our churches are not to be confused with God Himself. Churches
are not the only place to know God. Churches are places where
people gather to recognize and worship God and to mutually
encourage one another.

If any of you are struggling in your relationship with someone
else (maybe even with God Himself), perhaps this is a good time
to take a few quiet moments, privately admit to God whatever you
are going through, and seek His ways, instead of your own. I
will gladly tell you this: I regularly assess who I am before
God. It is a very humbling experience, because my shortcomings
become readily obvious. Yet, it is also a freeing, renewing,
enriching, and fulfilling experience, because I become renewed in
Christ instead of myself. True joy comes in being full of Jesus
Christ instead of me. Do you know this joy?

Brother Brian

Friday, September 1, 2000

Today's Devotional

So Much In Common

Ephesians 4:4-6 - There is one body and one Spirit -- just as you
were called to one hope when you were called -- one Lord, one
faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all
and through all and in all. (NIV)

Why is it that when two Christians meet, perhaps for the first
time, within five minutes they are chatting to each other as if
they have been friends for years? It is because they have certain
things in common. They share the same Father. They share the same
Saviour. They share the same Holy Spirit. They share the same
Book. They share the same Future. - Russell Birney What do we do
when we visit a strange place, for example on holiday, and are
dismayed that there is no church there of our particular "brand"?
Let us not settle for a walk in the woods or a quiet time in the
hotel room. Instead, let us seek out people who love Jesus and
find out how much and who we have in common.

Prayer: Lord, when we think we're all on our own, lead us to your
people and help us to overcome the differences of culture and
language, rejoicing in our shared inheritance. Amen.

John Faris Cork, Ireland

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: Psalm 45:1-17

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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