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Word for Today, Fri, 12 Jul 2002: Admitting it and Turning Away...

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Some of us appreciate the law more than others. Most of us
appreciate laws, in general, when they protect us, but if we're
honest, many of us are annoyed by laws that inconvenience us, at
least until we gain an appreciation for how those laws are
helpful. Some laws really aren't helpful at all, or so it would
seem. Instead, they are nothing more than provisions for those
who make the laws.

God's Law is different. God's Law is always intended to provide
safe boundaries for us, in which we can live in harmony with
those around us, so that we can give proper honor and respect
where it rightly belongs, and so that we can come to realize that
we are prone to break the Law. This, in turn, helps us to
realize just how much we need One who can pay the price for what
we've done. What pays the price for lawlessness? Only one thing
- what is right and true. Jesus Christ is the human evidence of
God's unfailing love for us. Jesus paid the price for our
lawlessness. He came to forgive sins. He came to point the Way
to the Holy Spirit of God. He came to let us know that we are
deeply loved, fully accepted, and completely forgiven.

I confess that I really need that Good News!

Have a great weekend!

Your Brother in Christ,

From: "" <>
Subject: Quiet Walk for Friday, July 12, 2002
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 11:56:57 -0400

by Walk Thru the Bible


Nehemiah 9

Upon hearing the Law, the people publicly confess their

Paul says in the New Testament that it was not until he heard
the Law that he was conscious of sin. How true! It is not
until you know the truth that the truth can set you free
(John 8:32).

The returning Jews experience this truth in a dramatic way.
Upon hearing the Law, Israel repents of her sins and
rededicates herself to serving the Lord. This repentance
clears her conscience, results in rich worship, and makes her
eligible for the blessings of the Lord. It sets her free!

Repentance will do the same for you.


* Because the Lord preserves us through spiritual battles,
offer your praises as you read this psalm:

It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;
To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning,
And Your faithfulness every night . . .
You, Lord, have made me glad through Your work;
I will triumph in the works of Your hands
(Psalm 92:1-2, 4).

* Pause for praise and thanksgiving. As you seek to keep
your life free from sin, pray this confession to the Lord:

O Lord, God of my salvation,
I have cried out day and night before You.
Let my prayer come before You;
Incline Your ear to my cry.
for my soul is full of troubles,
And my life draws near to the grave
(Psalm 88:1-3).

* Confess any sins that the Holy Spirit brings to your
mind. Now pray this affirmation to the Lord:

I delight to do Your will, O my God,
And Your law is within my heart
(Psalm 40:8).

"I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your
transgressions, And like a cloud, your sins.
return to Me, for I have redeemed you" (Isaiah 44:22).

* As you make your requests known to the Lord, include:

? greater insight into God's Word,
? the homeless in your country and around the world.

* Offer this closing prayer to the Lord:

Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us,
And establish the work of our hands for us;
Yes, establish the work of our hands
(Psalm 90:17).


This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Walk Thru the Bible. Copyright
2001 Walk Thru the Bible. All rights reserved. See for more information about Quiet Walk
and other devotionals from Walk Thru the Bible.

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