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Word for Today, Fri, 14 Dec 2001: The Wonders of What God Can Do When We Humbly Listen

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today, a bit later than usual, I'd like to share Larry Davies'
Sowing Seeds of Faith story with you, and also explain what I've
been doing recently.

I have been out of work since June 29 of this year. I have been
spending a lot of time looking for work, but I have also spent a
lot of time soul searching, trying to determine where God wants
me to be, and how I can fit into His plan for my life.

It has been disconcerting at times waiting for an answer. Some
have suggested that I go into full time ministry of some kind or
another. (Aren't I already doing that)? 🙂 One suggested that
I sell life insurance. One of my close friends suggested that I
keep building contacts and working on the things I do best. He
also suggested that I keep praying, and has been faithfully
praying with me.

Well, I'm not sure that the final answer has been given to me
yet, but the first real break in a long time appeared for me
yesterday. One of my technical works was published by Ziff Davis
Media, the company that produces PC Magazine, among other things.
I co-authored a review of four different operating systems, and
got the work published online. In under 24 hours, the response
has been positive enough for the company to consider sending me a
PC, so that I can do MORE reviews on their standard company
system! Wow! Who'd imagine that God would answer my prayers in
that way!

Now I do not know if this will lead to more permanent work, but
as always, I maintain GREAT confidence that God is working on
something useful for me. For one thing, I have been ministering
encouragement to people as I have been sharing technology. While
I don't share scripture or prayer as I do here, I share the same
timeless principles, based on the truth of the Word, that I do
here. Who KNOWS where that may lead? Not me, but God knows!

In case you are interested, check out
My story, co-authored with Ralph Glanz, will probably remain the
feature story over the weekend. While you're at it, will you
pray for my friend Ralph? He has been recently diagnosed with
Diabetis, and I do not believe he professes a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ. Let's bathe my dear friend in
prayer, for HE is the one who helped me find this writing work.
Let's pray for HIS eternal safety and his present health!

Look at what humility can do! Recognizing that I cannot outguess
God, HE has graciously supplied my needs, encouraged me when I
was down, sent me unexpected gifts, and given me great hope!

I'm still seeking permanent work, but this is definitely a step in
the right direction, and may even lead there. ... but if not, I'm
ready to go where GOD wants me to go, and DO what HE wants me to DO!

Now let's listen to what Larry learned when he tried to become a
Choir Director!

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: The Minister and the Choir -- Part 2

To read "The Minister and the Choir" part one click here:

To check out Larry's latest book... click here:

Sowing Seeds of Faith

The Minister and the Choir:
A Lesson on Talent and Humility (Part 2)
Larry Davies

Thanks to my less than inspired leadership our choir members were
arguing, the congregation was mumbling and I was bewildered.
Whats wrong with our choir? I wondered. Actually, the problem
was not with the choir but with me. I was about to receive a
lesson on spiritual leadership courtesy of God and our real choir
director. At this point she stood up and said, Larry, can I make
a suggestion?

Please! I responded with obvious relief.

Will you say a prayer and ask God to guide and lead our choir?
she asked. Wow! With one simple request, our choir director
taught the most critical lesson of spiritual leadership.

To be an effective choir you must first regularly give your
talents and yourself to God.

What could I say? I will be glad too. As I prayed for Gods
guidance, I began to feel a sense of assurance that God was in
complete control of the choir, of our church and of me. All
along, I thought quality spiritual leadership depended more upon
me my talents, my take-charge attitude and creativity. Instead,
God was seeking submission to His talents, His attitude,
creativity and perfect will.

Amen, I said and for a moment there was silence. First one
choir member spoke, then another:

I would love to sing a solo if you need me but whatever you
decide is fine.

Ive been doing an awful lot of solos lately. Maybe it is time
for a change.

Thats very kind of you. Ive been a little sarcastic lately. I

I was just kidding about playing the organ but could I play the
piano with you sometime?

Excuse me. What are we singing again? In all the confusion Ive

Everyone was laughing by now but we learned several valuable

1. To be an effective choir, it helps to know what you are going
to sing.
2. To be an effective choir, we need to sing from the same music.
3. To be an effective choir, we need direction and leadership.
4. To be an effective choir you must first regularly give your
talents and yourself to God.

Could these same lessons apply towards other forms of leadership?
Of course they can.
Paul wrote in Romans: And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead
with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and
holy sacrificethe kind he will accept. When you think of what he
has done for you, is this too much to ask? Dont copy the
behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you
into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will
know what God wants you to do and you will know how good and
pleasing and perfect his will really is. (12:1-2)

Did you catch Pauls point?

give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy
Dont copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God
transform you
Then you will know what God wants you to do
you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will
really is

I said to our choir director: It was presumptuous of me to think
that I can replace you. Ill stick to preaching and let you lead
the choir. Thank you for teaching a valuable lesson. Will you
forgive me?

She smiled and replied, Of course I will. Being creative and
searching for our gifts and submission to God is what the choir
and our church is all about. Now if you dont mind we have an
anthem to sing.

May I join you to sing to sing!

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