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Word for Today, Fri, 14 Mar 2003: God Provides a Lasting Peace

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

As we come to the end of another work week, I'd just like to
remind you of what we God provides. Most of us think that we
work for a living and that we're entitled to whatever we receive,
but remember that the Lord God created the heavens and the earth
and all other parts of creation. They are His, just as we are
His. Everything that is made (John 1): "2 He was with God in the
beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him
nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that
life was the light of men."

Today's message comes from a series sponsored by that is made available during each Lenten
season. It's about the kind of lasting, eternal peace that only
God provides.

Dear Lord,

I praise You for Your great work of Creation, Your marvelous and
amazing love, and the lasting peace that You so graciously
provide. Forgive me for those times when I forget just how much
You mean and how much I need You. You are worthy of my love and
praise, not just when it is convenient for me, but at all times.
I openly confess my need of You and earnestly seek You. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

Wishing you a blessed and holy Lent! You have received this
message because you have signed up to receive daily devotions
from during Lent. We have chosen excerpts from
one of the array of devotionals available at
We hope that this service enhances your journey through the
season of Lent and prepares you for the festal shout on Easter
morning: He is risen!

The following is excerpted from "Quenching the Divine Thirst,
Nourishing an Insatiable Desire for God" by Elizabeth M.
Hoekstra (Bethany House Publishers, 2003).

March 14, 2003

The granting of peace is not a small offering from God. Haggai's
people were a torn group. Historically and traditionally they
were torn by war and disagreements. Personally they were worn out
by the lack of fulfillment in their lives. Spiritually they were
fragmented by confusion. The favor of peace was the greatest
promise God could give them.

It's not so different than us. Our "former house," with idols
decorating the walls of our hearts, is not a place of peace. Too
many "things" are vying for attention. But in our new, "present"
house, peace can be the framework of the entire structure. It is
strong, secure, and built to withstand storms. Psalm 37:37
promises, "There is a future for the man of peace." In other
words, when we have internal unshakable peace, it is transferred
to external action. And therein is our future--a future of
continued peace, a future of God's blessings and favor.

Psalm 119:165 says, "Great peace have they who love your law, and
nothing can make them stumble." Not just a little bit of peace,
but overflowing peace if we listen to and respect and obey God's
Word. Then what does it say? "Nothing can make them stumble."
This means as we take the new route, guided by God's Word, with
peace as our companion, nothing will be able to reclaim our
attention. Note it doesn't say we won't have any more obstacles
along the way; it only says the obstacles won't make us stumble.
In other words, we'll be given the strength and knowledge to get
around them.

It's good to anticipate what those potential obstacles might be.
They are the stones of hardship that Satan will roll into our
paths. We have a choice to keep our peace or look at the stones.
The stones that rob our peace can be little pebbles of irritation
throughout our days-- from backed-up traffic, to interruptions,
to squabbling children. Or the stones can be as huge as boulders
in the form of disappointment, grief, bitterness, or
unforgiveness. Satan will use whatever we have a difficult time
dealing with. Remember, Satan lives to see our peace stolen. It
is one of his greatest tactics: to rob us of our peace and watch
us stumble.

Colossians reminds us where our peace must dwell: "Let the peace
of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you
were called to peace" (Colossians 3:15). Peace should "rule in
our hearts." Peace ruling in our hearts will control all our
thoughts and actions. When peace rules, the pebbles and stones
won't irritate us or get in our way.


If you enjoyed the abridged version of today's devotional, you
may want to purchase "Quenching the Divine Thirst" at:

Sincerely, Your Friends at

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Brian Masinick,
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