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Word for Today, Fri, 15 Dec 2000: A Response

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

First I would like to share with you a response to the prayer
request made earlier on behalf of Steve Talbott. It looks like
Steve will be with Christ very soon. Please continue to pray for
the Talbott family, all those near to them, and for the peace of
Christ to be with everyone involved.

Next, I would like to share with you this week's edition of
the Weekly Verses from

Brother Brian

From: "Jeanne Manhood" <>
To: <>
Subject: Fw: thanks for the prayers for steve... almost over


Please thank everyone for their prayers for Steve. Brian, I
still don't understand what has happened but I keep praying and
thanking Father that he is in control and that he has a much
broader picture than we do. It is sad, especially when it is so
sudden and is left by three children who are wondering and
questioning what all this is about. I pray they are strengthened
by all this.

Your friend in Christ,

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your
joy may be complete. John 15:11

----- Original Message -----
From: Jane Styers
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 9:28 PM
Subject: thanks for the prayers for steve... almost over

hi there,

i just wanted to thank you for your prayers on behalf of the
TALBOTS'. as you may know by now, today they have pulled all
plugs.... so, it will soon be over. the specialists have stated
that there is no brain waves noticed. so, things roll on.
now, we will just need to pray for the TALBOT family as they go
thru all the stress and strain of living without their father and
husband. again, thank you for your support thru all this. it
has been such a shock to so many of us.


jane styers

Weekly Verses

These verses are taken from TODAY'S VERSE, by Phil Ware
< >


When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said,"I am the light
of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life."

--John 8:12
New International Version

Darkness is more than a symbol, it is a pervasive way of
living and viewing the world. Darkness is the place of
deception, evil, crime, predators, sin, and death. To follow
Jesus means to bring him our heart and let him cast everything
from the darkness that plagues us on the inside so we don't
have to be afraid of the darkness on the outside. In this way,
Jesus gives us light, but it is a light that does more than
fill a dark room. This is a light that illumines the heart.

Holy God who lives in glorious and irrepressible light, I
praise you for sending Jesus to cast away the dark fears that
so easily envelope me. I pray for strength and courage to not
only live in the light, but show others their way to the light.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep;
whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and
go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and
kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have
it in full."

--John 10:7 and 9-10
New International Version

Jesus came to the world to give us life. He didn't come to
bring us rules, or judgment, or fear, or work. Jesus came to
give us life in its fullest form. While we know that this is
promised to us when we go to be with him for all eternity, John
wants us to clearly hear that Jesus' promise to give us life
begins right now! Not JUST life later, but also life NOW!

Almighty God, I confess that sometimes I play life too
carefully, not risking failure and loss and not reaching for
your opportunities and your concerns. Give me a heart that
yearns to live life in all its fullness by seeking after your
will, Jesus' example, and the Holy Spirit's leading in my
decisions today and always. Through Jesus I ask this to your
glory. Amen.



[Jesus said,] "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my
sheep know me - just as the Father knows me and I know the
Father - and I lay down my life for the sheep."

--John 10:14-15
New International Version

The goal of our walk with Jesus is to come to know him as
our shepherd just as intimately as he knows the Father. A key
thing for us to remember: In a world where so many people want
to attract our attention and are willing to give us advice, we
can refuse their voice. We listen to Jesus because he has
shown his love for us by laying down his life for us. He is
not a hireling, he is the Good Shepherd.

Holy Father, you are wonderful and generous beyond
description. You have shown your love by sending your Son to
be my Shepherd. Help me hear his voice through your Word.
Help me hear his voice through the wise counsel of spiritual
friends. Help me hear his voice through the words sung by my
brothers and sisters when we are assembled. Help me hear his
voice in the Holy Spirit's work on my conscience. Father, I
want to follow your Son as my Shepherd and Lord because I know
he, like you, is good! Through my Shepherd and Lord I pray.



[Jesus said,] "I am the resurrection and the life. He who
believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever
lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

--John 11:25
New International Version

This is the most important question you will ever answer.
Do you really believe this? Do you believe that when you died
with Christ in baptism through faith, that you died the most
significant death and that your physical death will not
separate you from Jesus? All of life, even all of eternity for
you, hangs on this one question.

Almighty and Everlasting Father, I believe that because you
have adopted me into your family, death will never claim me.
Help me live with new vigor and confidence knowing that Satan
cannot have me and death cannot claim me because I am yours
through Jesus. In my precious Redeemer I pray. Amen.



Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No
one comes to the Father except through me."
--John 14:6
New International Version

I don't want to be any more exclusive than Jesus. But I do
want to hear his voice. He calls me to find the way to the
Father through him. I must also know that others must know him
to find their way to the Father, too. How can we not be more
passionate about those around us who do not really know Jesus
as their Savior, Redeemer, Brother, and Lord? How can the
first four books of our New Testament lie unread?

Holy God and Righteous Father, give me a passion for Jesus
and a heart that knows him in word, deed, and concern. Through
him I pray. Amen.



[Jesus said,] "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man
remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from
me you can do nothing. This is to my Father's' glory, that you
bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."

--John 15:5 and 8
New International Version

We take on Jesus' character (bear fruit) by remaining
intimately connected to him. The distance between heaven and
earth is not so great when heaven lives within us. In John 14,
Jesus reminded us that if we will obey him, he will come and
live in us and will reveal himself to us. So as we obey him,
we know him better. His life becomes real in us.

Precious Lord, I want to obey your word, your will, and your
example. I want to obey you to honor you, to love you, and to
know you. So please, help me come to know you better as I walk
more closely in your steps. Help me to know what it means to
live your life in my world. Amen.



The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like [Moses]
from among your own brothers. You must listen to him.
--Deuteronomy 18:15
New International Version

Jesus is that prophet like Moses. He has come and taught us
God's truth. He has taught us with his words recorded in the
Gospels. He has taught us with his example, through the deeds
he has done. He is teaching us through his abiding presence in
us and through the Spirit he has given us. But he teaches us
most effectively when we put into practice what he has said.

El Shaddai, who thundered from Mount Sinai and gave your Law
to your servant Moses, I believe you are still speaking today
through Jesus. Help me not only hear his voice, but listen to
his message and life and put it into practice today. Gently
correct and lead me in the way of obedience so that I may more
perfectly glorify you with the worship of my daily life.
Through Jesus I pray. Amen.

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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