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Word for Today, Fri, 15 Jan 2002: Loving Others and the One Who IS Love

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The Bible says in Matthew 5:44: "But I say unto you, Love your
enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate
you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute

As we finish another work week and approach a weekend, we've
likely had busy weeks. For some, it has been a good week. For
those, we give thanks and praise to God for His bountiful
provision. Others may not feel that way at all. You may feel
lonely, hurt, lost, angry, fearful, or afraid. If that happens
to be you, have hope! God has a special plan for each of us. If
you are going through a difficult time right now, you can be sure
that much greater blessings await you.

Most of us even get to see and experience daily blessings, but if
there is any chance that you've missed out, I'd ask you to look
to the Cross and remember Christ, for He had it all, and He gave
it all up, for you and for me. Right there, that's a pretty
awesome blessing. If we are deaf, dumb, and blind, but we have
Christ, that is enough. Anything more is most certainly a
blessing from the Lord.

I know that is of little consolation to those who do suffer, so
let me just say that I do feel deeply for those who are hurting,
and I am 100% certain that my God - your God, is watching and
knows exactly what is going on. God may permit things to happen
to us, but He does not CAUSE harm to reach uw. I think it our
choice whether or not we respond to Him today with praiwe and
hope, or some other response. Personally, no matter what
struggle I face, I choose to praise Him!

Your Brother in Christ,

Welcome to the iExalt Insider!

A young woman in England many years ago...

...always wore a golden locket that she would not allow anyone to
open or look into, and everyone thought there must be some
romance connected with that locket. The young woman died at an
early age, and after her death the locket was opened, and in the
locket was found simply a little slip of paper with these words
written upon it, "Though I have not seen Him, I love." Her Lord
Jesus was the only love she knew and the only love she longed
for, and she had gone to be with Him, the one object of her whole
heart's devotion, the unseen but beloved Savior.

"Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him
not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of
glory." 1 Peter 1:8

Those who truly believe on Jesus Christ are saved from all fear
of misfortune, of man, of death, and of eternity. Do you know
that to a true believer in Jesus Christ "eternity" is one of the
sweetest words in the English language? But "eternity" is not a
sweet word to the unsaved. Write these words, "Where will you
spend eternity?" on a card and hand it to a man who is not a
Christian, and they will make him mad; hand it to a Christian,
and they will make him glad. Why is it? Simply because a true
believer on Jesus Christ is not afraid of but delights in
thoughts of eternity. To him who believes on Jesus Christ
eternity is glory.

Those who truly believe on Jesus Christ know they are children of
God. God says so in John 1:12, "But as many as received him, to
them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that
believe on his name." In one country many years ago, I was
introduced to the son of one of the reigning monarchs of Europe,
and the man who introduced me whispered, "He is the son of
So-and-So" (naming the king). Well, what of it? He was a fine man
in himself, but what if he was the son of a king? I am a son of
God, and that is far greater, and every believer in Jesus Christ
in this building tonight is a child of God, the child of "the
King of kings."

What does it mean to believe on Jesus Christ? It simply means to
put confidence in Jesus Christ to be what He claims to be and
what He offers to be to us, and therefore to surrender our
thoughts and wills and lives entirely to His control, believing
everything He says, obeying everything He commands, whatever it
may cost; and to confess Him as Lord before the world, and
worship and adore Him. If you are a real believer on Jesus
Christ, if you have put all your trust in the Lord Jesus, and
surrendered your thoughts and life to Him, if you have thrown
your heart's door wide open for the Lord Jesus to come in, and
live, and rule, and reign there, you will have "inexpressible and
glorious joy" at all times and under all circumstances.

All anyone has to do is to believe on Jesus Christ. It does not
make any difference what his circumstances may be: he may be rich
or he may be poor; he may be highly educated, or he may be
ignorant; he may be in good health or he may be a hopeless
invalid; he may have been a moral, clean, upright man, or he may
have been the vilest of sinners, it matters not. Everyone who
believes on the unseen but living Christ will find "inexpressible
and glorious joy."

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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