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Word for Today, Fri, 15 Nov 2002:

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I pray that each of you has had a good week and that you've had
much to be encouraged about. If you're facing difficulties right
now, you're not alone. I could easily write a story very similar
in some ways to today's story, found at the PCCWeb Daily. I've
found that the promises of God are good, right, and true. Now I
haven't lost a ring, and I'm still contentedly married with three
children, but the visible things we had once been used to, jobs,
possessions, and treats, have recently been sparse for us. But
that's just the visible things. The invisible things, the things
that are deep within, are still intact, thanks to the
faithfulness of our Lord.

During the course of life, each of has moments of great joy and
we also have moments where we wonder "Why me"? Let's be purposeful
today, and give thanks to the Lord, whether we feel on top of the
world or down in the depths of the earth. God is faithful, and He
has a specific plan for each one of us. Instead of moping about
whatever may be troubling us right now, let's meditate on the goodness
of God's Word that promises that He will meet our deepest need, that
we are deeply loved, and that God longs to renew us each day.

You know, what's really interesting right now as my family battles
with things is that I've never felt more reliant on God. I've always
appreciated and thanked God for His goodness, but now I can see all the
more clearly how God provides.

So if you're having a good, successful time, thank God for it. If you're
having difficulties in any area of your life, thank God for that, too.
Why? Because if you allow Him to do so, God will show you just how much
He cares, and He will most certainly draw near to you. I can guarantee

May the peace of Christ guard both your hearts and your minds, may
your source of hope come from Him, and may the gratitude in your heart
be evident to all around you, to the honor and glory of our gracious
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ, Brian

PCCWeb Daily

Friday, November 15, 2002

Today's Devotional

The Covenent Ring

Philippians 4:19 - And my God will liberally supply (fill
to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in
Christ Jesus. (Amplified)

They were down to their last fifteen dollars. As she
prayed, she said, "God, I am going to take this last fifteen
dollars and I am going to use it to have my mother's ring sized
to fit me. It will be a covenant between You and me that things
are going to get better." She did that, and, yes, things did
begin to get better.

Our last two years had included problems and difficulties
too numerous to mention. When I heard the speaker that day, my
heart cried out, "Oh God! I wish I had a ring as a covenant
between You and me, that things were going to get better!"

I remembered that not every one meets God in the same way,
so I quickly apologized to the Lord.

"Lord, forgive me! I don't need a ring, but, oh God, I
truly need a covenant with You that things are going to get
better." We left the meeting, and, in truth, I forgot about that

Five days later, my husband came home from work, got down
on one knee, and said, "Will you marry me?" I thought he had lost
it! We had been married over thirty years!

Then he held out a 14-carat wedding band that he had found
in his job at the local recycling plant. It fit me exactly. And
then I remembered my prayer.

Why is it that, Thomas-like, we need an experience, a
tangible item -- anything -- to remind us that God is always
near, loving us, never neglecting us, and making the decisions
that are right for us? And why is it that He knows, and
understands, and fills our hearts with just the right response?

Prayer: Amazing and wonderful God, You meet us in the most
personal and private ways. But, even more wonderfully, You have
met our greatest and most common need, with the covenant engraved
upon our hearts that You will be our God and we shall be Your
people. Amen.

Brenda Wood Sandy Cove, Ontario, Canada

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: Matthew

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