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Word for Today, Fri, 16 Aug 2002: Covering up, or Dealing With What's Around Us?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today, I will share with you the weekly message from Sowing Seeds
of Faith. There apparently WERE some technical problems, but
since Larry and I read each other's lists, my friend sent me a
personal copy of the message, saving me the time of going over to
his Web site to retrieve it. So let's thank the Lord for
providing technical problems, because for each problem we face,
God supplies answers - in this case, another useful message. I
also want to publicly thank my friend Larry. I wish we lived
near one another so that we could occasionally meet in person,
but for now, we simply share our mutual love for the Lord and one
another through messages of faith and encouragement. Please
remember my friend Larry Davies in your prayers. He genuinely
cares about people, and I believe he does everything he possibly
can to share the love of Christ with as broad an audience as he
can. Like you and me, he yearns to keep the right balance in his
life, fully relying on God. I care deeply for my brother in
Christ whom I've never met, but I spiritually connect with so

To answer Larry's question - Where were you on September 11,
2001, I was in my basement computer lab, researching about
computer systems. In fact, at the moment I heard about the
events, I was on a computer online forum. My wife opened the
basement door and told me about what was going on. I checked it
out on the TV, then checked the Internet. The network was
swarming with activity, and it was hard to get through to news

I was communicating with a guy from Ziff Davis Media in New York
City, and I asked him if he had heard the news. At first, he
thought I was joking. Then a minute later, he sobered up and
realized the severity of the situation.

Our family huddled around each other in the family room and
prayed - for the safety of those caught in the midst of it all,
for the long term safety of our country, for the healing of our
land, and for repentence in our own hearts.

Regarding rats, no, I didn't know that rats scream at night.
I've never had to live side by side with a rat. I have, however,
spent months at a time in shelters and inner city missions. I
was tossed out of my own house at one point. At first, I was
afraid to be around inner city people. I thought that I'd get
beat up or harmed in some way. Instead, I learned that almost
everyone, even the so-called tough guys, have a story to tell, if
anyone is willing to listen.

I'm hoping to be doing some local soul-hunting with my pastor in
the near future. We want to get to know the people near our
church, find out their physical needs, and then share with them
their spiritual need. Getting out from what we're used to can be
disconcerting... often, though, it's just what's needed!

Have you had your own private appointment with your Savior today?

Dear Lord,

Thank You so much for your faithfulness, and the simplicity of
your message of hope to us. We needn't go through some
complicated process to know you personally, because You reveal
Yourself to us in our hearts and souls, by Your Spirit, and You
share Your nature with us in Your Holy Word, the Bible, which
also reveals to us, and helps us to understand Your ways.

Lord, I've been praying that You would help me to be a genuine
encouragement to others, and that I may also be encouraged by
others, and I continue to do so. May we be one in the common
hope that we find complete in Christ. I ask each of these things
humbly in Christ's Name. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

Here you go. Brian.

Where were you on September 11, 2001? What do you remember that
day? What have you learned since? What has changed about your
life? I'm gathering stories and comments to share with our
readers around the world. Please reply to this email and share
your story. Click here:

Sowing Seeds of Faith.

Will your church need to change some old habits this year? Buy
"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit" and receive fresh ideas that
could help your church turn over a new leaf. Better yet, buy two
books for the price of one and give a book to your pastor. In
addition: Shipping is free in the U.S. Cheap elsewhere. Click
here for more information:

"Pianos, Rats and Born Again" Larry Davies

The musicians at the nightclub were complaining about an old
piano. The keys would often stick and the sound was truly
hideous. After months of listening to the grumbling and whining
the owner finally decided to do something about it.. he sent the
piano out to be painted.

Painted? Painted? What good would that do? Yet as Christians we
often settle for a paint job when we need a tune up. It's easy to
play Christian without actually acting like one. We seek
comfort. instead of a challenge. You want rest. not
responsibility. I all too readily accept peace. and surrender my
passion for God. We look for a paint brush rather than a tool

Nicodemus had been painting his piano for years before meeting
Jesus. A high-ranking religious leader, Nicodemus could be the
preacher of your church (Uh-Oh. this is getting personal) but
something was missing. He tried to play it safe and come by cover
at night so his minister friends wouldn't see him but Jesus would
have none of it. He looked deep into Nicodemus' heart and said:
"I assure you unless you are born again you can never see the
kingdom of God." (John 3:3)

Nicodemus was confused: "I thought being "born again" was for
others, not me! I don't want to change, too much." A minister
wrote, "I love Jesus but I want to hold on to my own friends, to
my own independence, to the respect of my professional
colleagues, to my own writing plans."

We would rather just paint our piano but Jesus says, "For God so
loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who
believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." (John
3:16) God paid the ultimate price so we would inherit a promise
and a purpose. The promise is: "God will never abandon you." Our
purpose is to offer that same astonishing promise to others.

Yet, when it comes to offering the promise of God to others. we
have a lot to learn.

Sue Bates is a missionary in Romania working with street kids and
orphans. She recently wrote about a worker who takes clothing and
medicine to the streets every few months but doesn't get too
involved. He was trying to witness to a 12-year-old boy who
lived underground, but he was getting nowhere. The boy was
sniffing "aurolac"...the cheap inhalant of the streets and paying
no attention. So, he asked the boy, "Why? Why, oh why, can't you
believe in a God of love?"

The boy thought for a second and then asked the missionary, "Why
do rats scream at night?"

The worker complained to Sue: "See, I tried to talk to him about
God but it was like talking to a wall...he wasn't even listening
and he started talking about rats. Those street kids are

Yet, it was the missionary who wasn't listening. He drove a nice
car, had a full belly, nice clothes, a comfortable bed, a family,
money to spend, etc. The street kid had almost nothing: a filthy
"bed" in a stinking hell-hole underground that had roaches, lice,
fleas... and rats that screamed at night. The boy's message was
plain and to the point. "You asked why I can't believe in a God
of love? Tell me why rats scream at night. Then maybe you can
figure why I struggle to believe."

Jesus came into our dark world and became "one of us." Christ
became flesh in order to "learn obedience by the things that He
suffered." (Hebrews 5:8) Are we willing to learn by Christ's
example? Perhaps, too often we want the best of both worlds.
How can we have compassion for others, if we refuse to allow God
to "tune our piano" and help us become "born again?"

Is your piano sounding a bit out of tune: A little beat up
inside? You could simply repaint it? Or you could expose yourself
to the penetrating and healing light of Christ. Sue Bates ends
her story, "I didn't know rats screamed at night. Did you?"
Perhaps my piano needs a tune up too.

If you would like to know more about the mission of Ron and Sue
Bates in Romania you can write here -- or
check out their website:

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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