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Word for Today, Fri, 18 Jun 2004: Let Your Discontentment Lead You to God

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Fri, 18 Jun 2004: Let Your Discontentment Lead You to God
Dear friends,

Today's article is based on a book written by Dr. Michael
Youssef. I've heard Michael's radio program, "Leading the Way
with Dr. Michael Youssef." I find myself relating to and
agreeing with the comments in this article. I have found myself
discontent in several ways. I've had difficulties for the past
three years finding a decent job to support my family. I've had
to deal with feelings about myself, my former employer, my
relationship to God, my attitude toward others, my anger, and a
whole host of related things. It has been a real heart
challenging time for me.

I believe that God has been using this time in my life to cause
me to question my thinking, question my attitudes, question my
actions, even question my relationship with Him. In every way, I
believe these things have served to affirm and strengthen my
relationship with God. I've had to openly confess my sins, which
I believe is a good thing, I've had to give up things that have
hindered my relationship with God. It is a process, and it is
not over - even if I should find a dream job.

What is God doing in your life? Is there anything that you are
not content with? As this article asserts, allow your
circumstances to be events that not only lead you to God, but
allow yourself to be driven to God, run to God. As my three year
old son has said more than once: "I'm running to Jesus!"

Yours in Christ,


Live It!
Today's best advice for practical Christian living

Let Your Discontentment Lead You to God
Whitney Hopler, Contributing Writer

Do feelings of disappointment and restlessness seem to follow you
around? Do you often find yourself wishing you could get more
out of life? If so, perhaps you've tried to fill your inner void
with more accomplishments, relationships, or material things -
only to find that you're still unsatisfied. You long to be at
peace, but contentment eludes you.

Being discontent isn't really so bad. In fact, the inner turmoil
you feel is a powerful tool God can use to draw you to Himself.
When you let your restlessness spur you on to search for God, you
will ultimately find true and lasting peace.

Here are some ways you can let your discontentment lead you to

Don't run away. Rather than trying to hide your mistakes and
weaknesses, deal with them honestly and openly to free yourself
from guilt and shame. Confess your sins to God, and repent of
them, trusting that He will forgive you and give you the grace
you need to move forward. Forgive others who have hurt you so
bitterness doesn't poison your heart. Don't isolate yourself.
Seek a close connection to God through regular times of prayer
and worship. Spend time in fellowship with other Christians as

Look for guidance in the right place. Don't waste your time and
energy seeking wisdom from sources other than God, like
astrologers or psychics, or even self-help books. Rather than
focusing on how you can try to get the life you want, ask God to
show you the life He wants for you. Then trust in the wisdom of
the One who made you.

Don't let your circumstances steal your hope. Understand that
there are different seasons we all must go through in life - some
times to celebrate, and some filled with pain. Remember that God
will be with you all the time in every situation. Ask Him to
give you His peace to sustain you in difficult times. Look
beyond your circumstances to focus on Christ. Place your hope in
Him alone, knowing that the living hope He offers never fail.

Hunger and thirst for God. Decide to pursue God with a
passionate zeal. Know that when you seek God first, everything
else you need will fall into place.

Accept the gift of God's grace. Imagine Christ hanging on the
cross in front of you. Then mentally take your concerns and
leave them at His feet. Trust in the power of His work on the
cross to handle whatever troubles you. Remember that nothing can
separate you from His great, unconditional love for you. Know
that, if you have begun a relationship with Christ, your
salvation is eternally secure. Don't let legalism rob you of the
joy and peace Christ wants you to have. Stay connected to the
Holy Spirit, and rely on the Spirit instead of just external
rules to help you live a faithful life.

Don't be afraid to ask God for blessings. Realize that you can
approach God with confidence to ask for anything, since you are
His beloved child. Remember that He is a Father who loves to
give good gifts to His children. Know that God always welcomes
your prayers and stands ready to answer them.

Be grateful. Remind yourself of all God has given you and all
the ways He has worked in your life lately. Take the time to
thank Him regularly for His blessings.

Be generous. Give generously and cheerfully to support God's
work on earth. Let your own trials deepen your understanding of
other people's needs and move you to become more compassionate.
Know that the highest experience of peace you can find on earth
is through living an obedient life. Ask God to help you place
your life in the center of His will.

Take a Sabbath rest. Remember that God designed rest to be a
part of life's natural rhythm. Choose one day each week to rest
from your work. Let God use that time to bring you healing

Look forward to heaven. Take the time to think about the glory
of heaven, where things so wonderful that they can't be described
on earth await you. Take heart that you will find ultimate
contentment there.

Adapted from Divine Discontent: Pursuing the Peace Your Soul
Longs For, copyright 2004 by Michael Youssef. Published by
WaterBrook Press (a division of Random House, Inc.), Colorado
Springs, CO., Michael Youssef, Ph.D., is
founding rector of The Church of the Apostles, an evangelical
Anglican congregation in Atlanta. Founded in 1987, the church
has grown from 40 members to more than 2,000. Dr. Youssef is also
president of an international broadcast ministry, "Leading the
Way with Dr. Michael Youssef." His daily radio program and his
weekly television program are carried on hundreds of stations
throughout North America and around the world.

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