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Word for Today, Fri, 19 Aug 2005: Undivided Devotion

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Fri, 19 Aug 2005: Undivided Devotion
Dear friends,

I pray that your week is going well. This has been a good week
for me to regularly turn my attention to Christ. One of our
church members, Ron Picard, did pass away earlier this week and
we will be remembering him in services this next week, and
remembering the needs of his family for the foreseeable future.
Ron will always be remembered and loved in our hearts. My young
boy, Karsten, was quite fond of Mr. Picard, and he remains fond
of Mrs. Picard. His childlike love were a great comfort to Mrs.
Picard when we saw her yesterday.

That reminds me of the way in which we ought to be toward one
another. Though we need not act childlike silly in our
mannerisms (something I am guilty of at times) we definitely
ought to be childlike in our honestly, love, care, and trust of
those who are close to us.

That leads me to a question: Is there anyone for you who stands
even closer than a brother? Proverbs 18:24 tells us that there
is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. We know that
friend to be Jesus. How great it is to know that we have a
Savior and Friend who will be with us to the end!

Yours in Christ,


August 19, 2005


Come unto Me."

Matthew 11:28

God means us to live a fully-orbed life in Christ Jesus, but there
are times when that life is attacked from the outside, and we tumble
into a way of introspection which we thought had gone.
Self-consciousness is the first thing that will upset the
completeness of the life in God, and self-consciousness continually
produces wrestling. Self-consciousness is not sin; it may be produced
by a nervous temperament or by a sudden dumping down into new
circumstances. It is never Gods will that we should be anything less
than absolutely complete in Him. Anything that disturbs rest in Him
must be cured at once, and it is not cured by being ignored, but by
coming to Jesus Christ. If we come to Him and ask Him to produce
Christ-consciousness, He will always do it until we learn to abide in

Never allow the dividing up of your life in Christ to remain without
facing it. Beware of leakage, of the dividing up of your life by the
influence of friends or of circumstances; beware of anything that is
going to split up your oneness with Him and make you see yourself
separately. Nothing is so important as to keep right spiritually. The
great solution is the simple one - "Come unto Me." The depth of our
reality, intellectually, morally and spiritually, is tested by these
words. In every degree in which we are not real, we will dispute
rather than come.

MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST - by Oswald Chambers //
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Brian Masinick,
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