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Word for Today, Fri, 19 Jul 2002: Bought and Paid IN FULL

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Have you ever been to an auction? I'm not sure I'd ever been to
an auction until I came to the state of New Hampshire to live. I
remember visiting an auction one summer, while I was awaiting an
overnight ocean cruise. Auctions certainly are different than
the way most of us buy items in stores, but they do have
something in common with the way we sometimes treat the things
around us. There's a story below about an auction from Kevin
Corbin, writer of "Gleanings From the Word" that I've shared with
you below.

Have you ever bid on anything? I know someone who bid the highest
price of all...

Before we view that story, I'd like to pray once again:

Dear Lord,

I long to know You more. I want to do much more than go through
the motions of life. You have placed within my grasp everything
I need, not only to survive physically, but how to live in
healthy ways, both emotionally and physically. Your Holy Word is
the basis upon which a solid foundation of principles can be
established. Please renew a passion in me every day to know Your
Word intimately so that I can know You. Then help me to gain an
understanding and appreciation of Your ways, so that I may become
like You, both in attitude and in deed.

Lord, I'm needy. You know as well as I do that though I desire
these things, I stumble. It seems the more I realize my state,
the more I want to change. Help me to change to become more like
You, but also encourage me, lest I grow discouraged.

I have a passion that others may come to know you. I pray that
my own actions will not stand in the way of that. Please help
each of my friends as they think about You and decide, privately
and personally, to what extent they will choose to serve You
today. Forgive me for the ways I fall short, Lord, and lead me
continually back into Your Presence, that I may experience the
joy of living in Your Spirit.

Lord, please be with those who are traveling this summer. Keep
them safe, no matter where they may be. Please help our leaders
and all who are in authority over us. May we all find our
strength, not in acquiring wealth or power, but in knowing Your
Holy Preseence. I ask all of these things with great humility,
in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

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There was no Gleanings posted yesterday. I was out of town and ran
into software compatibility problems. Thanks to those who wrote and
asked if all was well, everything is okay on this end.

Experiencing an extraordinary God in ordinary life
Issue # 552 July 19, 2002
Auction House Action

I enjoy auctions, even when I can't afford to buy anything. There is
something about the atmosphere that is exciting. I like the cry of the
auctioneer, watching the crowd and the anticipation of knowing if the
item being sold is a treasure or junk.

This auction house was huge and the cry of the auctioneer was
unmistakable. He was a master and the bidding increments flowed off
his tongue in a haunting rhythm.

I was surprised to see the incredible volume of livestock flowing
through the place. I had heard it was a busy auction house, but this
was beyond anything I had ever comprehended. It simply had no idea
that it was possible to move that many through so quickly.

The auctioneer never took a break all the time I stood there and
watched. He never missed a beat, and he never seemed to draw a
breath. The prices quickly moved from the inexpensive to the
astronomical on each lot. It didn't seem to matter the size, age or
condition of the livestock the bidding was fierce.

In fact, every animal that crossed the auction house floor had defects
of some kind. Some seemed minor and others seemed to be so damaged
that it was hard to recognize them. I couldn't imagine anyone wanting
to buy some of the individual animals; I couldn't imagine anyone even
taking them for free.

That didn't stop the bidding though. I couldn't believe the price that
was being paid for every lot.

Lot after lot flowed across the floor and depending on the buyer were
pushed out through one of two doors.

I lifted my eyes from the auctioneer and the livestock and began to
survey the crowd to see who would pay such for such poor specimens.

I was surprised to see that other than myself, they whole auction
house had only two bidders. They bid fiercely against one another, but
the one buyer paid the top price for every lot. No matter how high the
one bid, the other seemed to be willing to go higher. It seemed to be
personal and had nothing at all to do with the livestock on the floor.

I was confused. The animals were clearly being sent out to two
different destinations after being purchased. How was that possible
when one buyer had clearly bought them all?

I wandered out to the exits where the livestock were being separated
and asked one of the workers about it. He laughed and said he worked
for the losing buyer. He told me the animals came voluntarily. Some
came because they didn't like the buyer but most came because no one
ever told them they had been bought and paid for.

I awoke with a cold sweat. It wasn't livestock on the floor; it was
people, people who had died. Some were destined for heaven and others
for hell. Many of those headed for hell were going simply because
nobody had told them their sins had already been paid for.

How many people go to hell every day simply because no one ever shared
Jesus with them?

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on
earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the
age." Matthew 28:18-20 NIV

Have you shared the gospel with someone lately? Are you praying for
someone you know to accept Christ? Are you supporting a mission group
or missionary with your finances and prayers?

Until next time, will you stand at the gate and tell people that they
have been bought and paid for; all they need do is accept His love?

Be blessed.

Hallelu Yah


Did you know you have the choice between heaven and hell? Your
entrance fee has already been paid; all you have to do is accept it.

It doesn't matter how young or old you are. It doesn't matter what you
have done or how bad your spiritual condition. Jesus gave His life to
pay for you.

Email me and I'll share some Bible verses that explain why a personal
relationship with Jesus is so important and a prayer that will make it

Or simply begin the relationship by saying a prayer along the lines

Dear God:

I have made many mistakes in my life and done things I am not proud
of. I need your love and forgiveness. I believe that you came into
this world and gave your life on a cross to pay for my sins and that
you defeated death and rose again. Please forgive me, and be the Lord
of my life. I give my life to you Lord.


If you pray this prayer let me know so I can rejoice with you.

Did you know that at Gleanings, we have a dedicated team of prayer
warriors and all prayer concerns are kept strictly confidential? Your
comments, your questions and your joys are shared with the prayer
team, to keep me accountable as the head of the ministry and to
encourage them as they see God at work in your life. As with prayer
all these things are kept confidential within the Gleanings team. To
share your prayer concerns and praise reports email us at

If you enjoy this issue of Gleanings From The Word, email it, in its
entirety, to a friend. For information on use of Gleanings in your
church newsletter or other situations please visit the permissions

Archived issues of Gleanings From The Word can be found on our web

To share your thoughts on this issue of Gleanings, or to share prayer
concerns email us at or write us at

Gleanings From The Word Ministries International
114 Oak St
Sherwood Park, AB
T8A 0V8

2002 K.F. "Kevin" Corbin
Gleanings From The Word Ministries International
All Rights Reserved


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