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Word for Today, Fri, 20 Oct 2000: The Heart of a Potato-head?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Don't let Larry fool you. I am convinced that he is actually a
youth group member in disguise! 🙂 Seriously, it takes a
special kind of person who is able, on one hand, to spend
meaningful time with children of all ages (even as old as me),
yet possess a maturity and a responsibility at the same time. I
think my friend Larry has an understanding of these qualities.
One of the reasons that I believe that is because he is able to
joke around, yet he is able to grasp crucial truths and share
them with us in ways that are understandable and meaningful.
That is one reason why I like to share Larry's messages with you
every week. In addition to that, Larry has been like a brother
to me, even across the miles. Though we have never met in
person, we have been able to "connect" in our mutual
encouragement of one another, sharing in ministries, prayer, and
helping one another out in personal moments of spiritual need.

I pray that each one of you knows someone whom you can trust,
whom you can pray for, and they can pray for you. I have several
people who I get to see in person that share with me, and vice
versa. It is important to have a trusted confidant. Do you
realize, however, that our Father in Heaven is our most important
friend and confidant of all? I spend a lot of time, using all
kinds of different illustrations and scripture references, as
well as personal experiences, from time to time, hoping that even
one person may experience a personal change of heart and
attitude. As for me, I am continually being changed and renewed
in my attitudes and responses toward God and others. Salvation,
the process of being accepted and forgiven by God, is a one-time
thing, which for me, has been long accepted. But acting out and
living out the faith that I believe is a daily response on my
part. Quite often it involves just what the Word implies -
faith, often "blind faith". That is, I am entirely certain that
God has a plan, and is working it out through me, but I have
absolutely no idea what it is or where I am going.

Could that be anything like the blindfolded taste test Larry had
to go through?

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>

Sowing Seeds of Faith
Confessions of a Potato-Race Cheater
Larry Davies

I only came to the church Halloween party as a gesture of support
for the people who were working there, but nooooo... they also
made me play in those silly youth games.

First, I was blindfolded and told to smell, feel and taste
various gross objects such as smelly socks, sour pickle juice and
a weird pudding. Ecch! The youth enjoyed the thrill of having a
minister at their mercy. In return, I got a sour taste in my
mouth and a piece of candy It wasnt worth it.

The next game, however, got me in serious trouble. Russell,
another youth leader and I were asked to get on our hands and
knees and see who could push a potato from one end of the room to
the other the fastest. Did I mention the only part of our body,
which could touch the potato, was the nose? Can you picture in
your mind how this race must look? Oh, the shame of it all.

Russell described what happened in Sunday school several days
later where I was forced to publicly face the consequences of my
sinful actions. He said: I was putting my nose to the
spud-stone, so to speak working my nostrils off trying to win the
race. Blood was spurting on the floor, but I didnt mind because
it was all for our youth. The next thing I knew a potato went
flying past me straight to the finish line. No mortal nose could
send a spud flying with such velocity. It was obvious to me what
happened. Larry cheated and threw the potato.

Three witnesses in the Sunday school class agreed that I indeed
maliciously and without any sense of shame picked up the potato
with my hand and threw it over the finish line.

Holy French Fries, youve got me dead to rights, I cried out.
I confess! I confess! The frustration and shame of Russell
beating me by a nose was too much to bear. I plead guilty to the
shameful crime of illegal potato throwing. Please forgive me!

After the laughter died down our Sunday school class began to
talk about the real sins we commit from potato-race fibs to mass
murders. The truth is, we all make mistakes, so how does God
want us to atone for our sins? Psalm 32 gives some encouraging

Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven...When I
kept silent, my bones wasted away through groaning all day long.
For day and night your hand was heavy upon me... (1,3,4)

Dont keep silent about your sins. Its not what you
did as much as what you do next.

Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my
iniquity. I said, I will confess my transgressions to the Lord
-- and you forgave the guilt of my sin. (5)

Confess, knowing God will forgive. This is the
cornerstone of our faith.

Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be
found. (6)

Seeking God begins the process of overcoming sins
vicious hold on you.

...But the Lords unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in
Him. (10)

Trust in God to love and protect you through difficult

I still throw potatoes occasionally along with other sins, but it
is comforting to know that if I am willing to face my mistakes,
confess and seek Gods help there will be a promise of love and
encouragement to see me through. You can bet the whole spud
ranch on that one!

Even on Halloween its possible to find something of God, if you
are willing to look for it. But let me give you a warning.
Beware the youth and their games

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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