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Word for Today, Fri, 21 Dec 2001: Everybody Needs Somebody

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The loneliest people, especially this time of year, are those who
either think they do not need others or they have been so badly
hurt by someone else that they avoid intimate relationships.
Clearly, this is not God's plan for our lives - to experience
pain because of unhealthy relationships. God's plan is closely
tied to the collective contributions of His people, as this
message from Bob Gass indicates.

As we begin the Winter season today, and near the anticipated
celebration of the coming of Jesus Christ, let us continue to
reflect on who God is and why He uses people to carry out His
divine plans. Clearly God is all-powerful and could accomplish
His plans in any manner. Let's read what Bob has to say about
this and focus our attention on our Lord today. As for those who
do not really understand or appreciate any of the ways of God,
let's remember them today in our prayers. (Should that be YOU,
please know that you are being prayed for today).

Your Brother in Christ,

Subject: [WFT] Fri 21 Dec 01 - Everybody Needs Somebody

Written by Bob Gass
21 Dec 2001 Everybody Needs Somebody

" I thank my God every time I remember you. " Philippians 1 : 3
(NIV) Even the great Apostle Paul needed others. When he was ill
he needed Dr. Luke. When he was in prison he needed Titus. For
his travel he needed Silas. For his future he needed
Timothy. How important are others? More than you think. A cock
minus a hen equals no baby chicks. Kellogg minus a farmer,
equals no cornflakes. Without the nail factory, what good's the
hammer factory? Or the cracker-maker without the cheese-maker?
Paderewski's genius wouldn't have amounted to a thing if the
piano tuner hadn't shown up. The surgeon needs the ambulance
driver, Rogers needed Hammerstein - and you also need people!The
other side of the coin is - somebody needs you too.

The young need your experience and the old your care. The foolish
need your wisdom, and the hurting your compassion. Any time you
withhold or withdraw what God's given you, others suffer, and you
shrivel.Looking back over my life, I see where I've connected
with specific people at every crossroad and milestone. Most of
them the world will never know, but to me they were absolutely
vital. Each helped me to clear a hurdle, accomplish an objective
or reach a goal. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am
today. How about you?

God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-sufficient. That's what
makes it all the more significant when He uses people like
us. Almost without exception, His favourite plan is a combined
effort; all of us working for Him, and each of us loving one
another in the process.

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

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