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Word for Today, Fri, 21 Jun 2002: Choices and Discipline

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

We've reached the end of yet another work week. How has it been
for you? Has it been busy? My week sure has been busy.
Wow, it's now officially the first day of summer in North America!

Deciding what's important and what's urgent and what needs to be
done continues to be a battle. I'm probably not alone in this,
but I need help from my Lord to help me set the priorities that
matter. Please pray for me in that regard and regularly examine
your own choices. Make sure you're doing what God wants you to
do first. I confess I have a problem with that.

May the God who loves us deeply, gave His life for us, and His
Holy Spirit to us, give each of us the strength for today we need
and the wisdom we need to seek Him first in all things. For
those of us who struggle to make the right choices, I pray that
God will illuminate the darkness of our hearts, and that we will
not continually turn out the light that He shines upon us, in
order that each of us may become people who are truly made in the
image of God.

Your Brother in Christ,


How many of us liked to be disciplined? The word discipline
means correction. God's discipline is to move us toward
maturity, to correct us so we might be holier. Proverbs 10:17
says, "people who accept correction are on the pathway to life,
but those who ignore it will lead others astray." God loves us so
much that He wants us to gain understanding and celebrate life.
You can be open to God's correction through reading the Bible,
listening to the Holy Spirit, and learning from other
Christians. Don't turn your back on correction, God desires that
we grow and learn in our Christian walk. Check out Proverbs

What is God saying to you?
How can you apply this to your life?

Email us at

The following prayer was sent to me by Tina Rosario, a person who
often shares either scripture, prayer, or devotional materials
with me:

Father, You are the Supreme Authority-a God of order. You have
instituted other authority structures that will support healthy
relationships and maintain harmony. It is my decision to
surrender my will to You that I might find protection and dwell
in the secret place of the Most High.

Father, thank You for pastors and leaders of the church-those who
are submitted to you and are examples to the congregation. I
submit to the church elders, the ministers and spiritual guides
of the church-giving them due respect and yielding to their
counsel. Lord, You know just how rebellious I have been. I ask
Your forgiveness for manipulating circumstances and people-for
trying to manipulate You to get my own way. May Your will be done
in my life, even as it is in heaven.

Father, when I feel that my life is spiraling out of control, I
bind my mind to the mind of Christ, and my emotions to the
control of the Holy Spirit. I loose my mind from obsessive
thought patterns that try to confuse me. Obedience is far better
than sacrifice.

Father, You are much more interested in my listening to You than
in my offering of material things to You. Rebellion is as bad as
the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as bad as worshiping
idols. Forgive me for practicing witchcraft and worshiping idols.

Father, you gave Jesus to be my example. He has returned to
You, Father, and has sent the Holy Spirit to be my Helper and
Guide. In this world are temptations, trials and tribulations;
but Jesus jas overcome the world, and I am of good cheer.

I belong to Jesus Christ, the Anointed One Who breaks down and
destroys every yoke of bondage. In His name and in obedience to
Your will, Father, I submit to the control and direction of the
Holy Spirit Whom You have sent to live in me. I am Your
child. All to You I surrender. I am an overcomer by the blood of
the Lamb, and my the word of my testimony!!! In Jesus' name I
pray, Amen.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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