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Word for Today, Fri, 22 Dec 2000: The Intersection of Faith and Life

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today, I'd like to share a final message with you before I take a
break for the holiday season. When I was growing up, my mother
used to receive Guideposts in the mail. I suspect that she still
does. Being the tech nerd that I am, I often read the same kind
of material, but I use the Internet.

When I think about my parents, I think about the wonderful
heritage they have brought to me, and the huge ways that they
have affected my life, predominantly in a very positive way.
Just yesterday, I heard a Christmas Carol on the piped in sound
in a restaurant at the mall, and I thought of my father, and how
he used to sing that particular song. Then today, LifeMinders
Email reminded me again of my mother with their edition of
Guideposts online.

I sure hope that you all enjoy a wonderful holiday season. If,
by any chance, some of you do not have the kind of warm family
that I have experienced, take heart. There is the family of God.
Our God is the most loving being of all, and He can cut through
even the deepest hurts of our past to bring us a new hope, and a
lasting peace and joy. It is my deep desire that every single
one of you comes to know that peace, hope, and joy in a personal
way, and that it will change your entire life perspective. It is
my Christmas Prayer for each one of you... those that I love,
even though I do not know very many of you personally. Please
accept my humble gift, for it is all that I can offer. I know in
my own heart that the hope that my Lord offers to me is all that
I need!

Brother Brian

Devotionals from >

The Intersection of Faith and Life

Daily Guideposts

Matthew 10:8
Freely ye have received, freely give.

It was only a couple of days before Christmas, and I was
working through lunch at the office, trying to get some work
accomplished before I flew across the country to be with my
family for the holidays. Caught in the seasonal rush, I
half-wished that I didn't have to travel so I would have
more time to finish all I needed to do. Just then, the
receptionist at the front desk called me, saying, "There's a
man here who says you don't know him, but he wants to see
you anyway."

Indeed, a short, graying gentleman in a sports jacket
introduced himself. "Rick, you don't know me, but for years
I've been enjoying your pieces in Daily Guideposts."

I took to the fellow immediately (flattered, of course, by
his kind words). He lived in upstate New York and was in
town for a Messiah sing-along at Carnegie Hall. For several
minutes we talked about our mutual love of music, the chorus
he sang in, the house where he lived and the recent troubles
he'd been through. After a brief talk, we shook hands and he
hurried on.

Back in my office I was thinking of all the efforts we make
in the holidays--sending Christmas cards to people we
haven't seen in years, buying presents for relatives we
visit all too briefly, traveling across the country to
gather for a day around tree and hearth. I understood then
what makes it worthwhile: the love that motivates us out of
selfishness, the desire to make someone else happy. Just
like my unexpected visitor. He made my day.


Dear Lord, when I give, let me give of myself.

--Rick Hamlin

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