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Word for Today, Fri, 23 Feb 2001: Dear God, "Find Me"

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Well, here we are. Another week has gone by! Do the weeks pass
by quickly or slowly for you? For me, the day seems to finish
almost as soon as it begins. It seems like Christmas was just a
little while ago, yet we are about to begin the final week in
February. It is no longer pitch black when I leave for work in
the morning, nor is it dark, at least when I start for home.
Soon, it will be light after I get home.

What a wonder each day is! Yet for all of us, at one time or
another, life has been tough. For some of you, this day or this
week may have been difficult. I feel for you, I remember those
days very well; who knows, I may experience days like that again.

When you find a day that is difficult to even get through, I urge
you to look for God. You needn't wait for a rough day. Every
day is a good day to praise our God. But sometimes, when we are
feeling particularly down, we do not sense God's Presence.

This message is an assurance for those times. Do you know about
Job? An entire book in the Old Testament was written about Job's
relationship with God. Job had a wonderful life. All of a
sudden, all the pleasures vanished. Everything he knew was taken
away from him, including his health. He despaired his own life.
Yet he went looking for God. Ultimately he found God - who was
there all along.

I urge each of you to seek the Lord while He may be found. Call
upon Him while He is near. Don't wait for calamity to strike.
When you are down, you may not be able to sense His Presence at
all. Therefore, know Him while you are able. Read about God.
Speak to God in prayer. Think about God. Talk about God with
others. Sing songs of praise to God. All of these things are
aspects of worship, one of the topics we have discussed at

Dear Lord,

I want to know Your Presence in a deeply personal and intimate
way. I want others to know You, too. Please remind us to seek
You every day so that we will know you in both good times and
bad. Please humbly accept our desire to seek You. Cleanse us
from the many things which keep us from experiencing the full
depth of intimacy with You, for You are righteous and holy,
Forgive our faults and cleanse us with a pure and upright spirit
so that we can recognize You and spend time with You. I ask
these things humbly, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "ChristianNet" <>
To: Word For Today mailing list<>
Subject: [WFT] Fri 23 Feb 01 - God, where are You?

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Friday 23rd February 2001

God, where are You?


JOB 23:3

When boils, bankruptcy and bereavement hit Job's life, he went
looking for God. Listen, "Oh that I knew where I might find
Him!..." Job knew that only in the presence of God will you find
the answers you're looking for!

If you've been searching for God, be encouraged; your very search
is an act of worship. That's right! When you seek Him it says you
value Him; it also says you recognise that He can do for you what
nobody else can.

Maybe you're asking today, "Where's the God Who breathed into
Ezekiel's Valley of Dry Bones and caused them to live again? (see
Eze 37)."Where's the Potter Who takes broken vessels and puts
them back together again?" (see Isa 64:8). The truth is He's
within touching distance... hearing distance... responding

The issue is not that He's not present; it's that so often we
don't see Him or sense His presence. His own disciples failed to
recognise Him that stormy night in Galilee when He came to them
walking on the water. That's the challenge, isn't it? We think,
"Is this really God or is it just my imagination?" We're afraid
we'll be disappointed - or embarrassed - if we trust Him. Jesus
calmed their fears saying, "It is I. Don't be afraid" (Mk 6:50
NIV). And today He's saying the same thing to you, too!

Child of God, your deliverance will come when your mind can
accept His timing... His ways... His purpose... and His promise
which says, "I will never leave thee..."(Heb 13:5). What more do
you need?

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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