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Word for Today, Fri, 25 Apr 2003: Inspired?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message comes from the My Utmost For His Highest series.
There are multiple sources online for this message series, this
one happens to come through an Email subscription, details are
included in the references below.

The message today, in typical Oswald Chambers fashion, really
gets in the face of the reader. Oswald wrote much of his
original material primarily for seminary students, but his short,
succinct message have also penetrated the hearts and lives of
believers, loi

Dear Lord,

I'm here to serve, just as You showed me when You sent Your Son,
to seek and save the lost. I'm one of those who were lost and
now found. Please hold me close, continually. Help me to be the
kind of person who willingly serves, is not afraid to venture
into unfamiliar territory, as long as You are leading the way.

Help me not to wander from Your ways, but instead, to live by
Your ways. Thank you for this message and the application we can
find in our every day tasks. Stretch our thinking and our
actions, Lord, and lead us right back to You. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

April 25, 2003


Be instant in season, out of season.

2 Timothy 4:2

Many of us suffer from the morbid tendency to be instant "out of
season." The season does not refer to time, but to us - 'Be
instant in season, out of season," whether we feel like it or
not. If we do only what we feel inclined to do, some of us would
do nothing for ever and ever. There are unemployables in the
spiritual domain, spiritually decrepit people, who refuse to do
anything unless they are supernaturally inspired. The proof that
we are rightly related to God is that we do our best whether we
feel inspired or not.

One of the great snares of the Christian worker is to make a
fetish of his rare moments. When the Spirit of God gives you a
time of inspiration and insight, you say - "Now I will always be
like this for God." No, you will not, God will take care you are
not. Those times are the gift of God entirely. You cannot give
them to yourself when you choose. If you say you will only be at
your best, you become an intolerable drag on God; you will never
do anything unless God keeps you consciously inspired. If you
make a god of your best moments, you will find that God will fade
out of your life and never come back until you do the duty that
lies nearest, and have learned not to make a fetish of your rare

MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST - by Oswald Chambers //
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