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Word for Today, Fri, 25 Aug 2000: Living and Speaking What We Believe

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I share the same passion that this writer has for his faith.
It often disturbs me that as a people, we will hoot and holler at
sporting events, spend hour after hour watching sports, soap
operas, or sit-coms, yet we are not only reluctant to share our
faith, but some of us appear to be ashamed of our faith.

Well, my friends, some of you know me better than that. I am
like the writer of the song, popularized by the Brooklyn
Tabernacle Choir:

I am not ashamed of the Gospel
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
No, I am not ashamed of the Gospel
And I'm willing to give my life
You see, I'm ready to be
What He wants me to be
I'll give up the wrong for the right
No, I am not ashamed of the Gospel
Of Jesus Christ.

We don't all have to shout and holler, like some do at
baseball or football games. We don't have to shout at all. But
I do think that our faith does call us to be distintly different,
not at all conforming to the patterns of this world. (It
wouldn't hurt, though, if a few of us DID hoot and holler the
WONDERFUL name of Jesus, just once in a while).

Scripture tells us that there is no other name on earth, or
anywhere else, that deserves the honor and recognition that our
Lord deserves. My friends, some of you read these messages
because you are looking for hope in your relationships, and are
feeling hurt because things are not what they could be. Well,
let me tell you (from someone with PERSONAL experience), there is
NO fixing relationships without first fixing your first
relationship - with the One who made all things. Fix that, and
over time, everything else will take on a new perspective.

I long to be known in everything I do, not as some holy
roller, not as someone good or better than anyone else, but
merely as someone who acknowledges that I am loved by the One who
made love and IS love, and that I responded to that love and
tried to share it with others as best as I know how, relying on
Him to lead me. What else can I do?

Have a GREAT weekend --- include God in it --- visit a church
wherever you happen to be this weekend.

Brother Brian

PCCWeb Daily

Friday, August 25, 2000

Today's Devotional

I Am A Christian

If you live in Canada, you've likely seen the Molson beer
commercial, I am a Canadian, that has created a burst of
nationalism in our country. I did not know, until I read a
few weeks ago in the TV Times (which comes every Saturday in
the Cape Breton Post), that it was called the Rant. And,
love it or hate it, it has a tremendous impact. Even one of
our elected officials recently imitated it in our Nova
Scotia legislature as I am a Nova Scotian. So why don't we,
as Christians, do the same thing?

I can picture a young Christian man in a grey T-shirt and
blue jeans, with a huge flag with the symbol of the burning
bush fluttering in the background, shouting proudly:

I believe in God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth --
not in some big bang theory -- And I believe in Jesus
Christ, His only Son, our Lord -- not a dead but living
Lord -- And I believe in the Holy Ghost -- not one but
three Gods in one -- And I believe in the holy catholic
church -- not just local, but a universal one -- And I
believe in Christ's blood shed for me -- for salvation
-- for the forgiveness of sins -- And I believe Christ
was crucified, dead and buried and rose from the dead
-- not just in spirit, but the resurrection of the body
-- And I believe He sits at the right hand of God in
heaven -- where He will judge the quick and the dead --
And I believe in a living faith and in a living Christ
-- For I am a Christian -- best in prayer -- a
Christian and a child of God. Thank You, God!

Romans 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is
Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from
the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that
you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth
that you confess and are saved. (NIV)

Prayer: Lord God, help to confess with
confidence and courage that "Jesus is Lord",
and to celebrate our life in Him. In Jesus'
name, we pray. Amen.

Lorne MacLellan
Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia, Canada

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians
5:1-13 The volunteer PCCWeb Daily Editorial Staff Subscriptions
and Feedback: Jane Anne Waller <>, Burlington,
Ontario Devotionals: James T. Hurd <>,
Woodstock, New Brunswick Technical and Oversight: Robin Ross
<>, Mission, British Columbia

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