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Word for Today, Fri, 26 Jan 2001: Think about these things

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

My dear friends,

These are among my favorite verses of scripture. I also really
like the verses that talk about love (e.g. Romans 12, 1
Corinthians 13, 1 John, and others). I like the Gospel messages,
but especially Matthew and John. I like all of the apostle
Paul's letters, but Philippians tops them all.

The apostle Paul just happened to be in prison at the time he
wrote his letter to the church at Philippi. In fact, one reason
why the New Testament has so many letters from Paul is that he
had the most time to sit down and write - either from behind
prison walls, or at least in some form of captivity. At this
very time in his life, this was when he wrote the great words
from Philippians 2 about the humility of Christ, and how there
will come a time when Jesus will gain the recognition He so
deserves, "when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the

This is also the same letter where Paul wrote, in chapter 4,
verse 4: "Rejoice! I will say it again: REJOICE!" Then, he goes
into a dialog about the things we ought to think about, in order
to bring praise to God and to find satisfaction in what we do,
fulfilling the purpose for which God has called each of us.

I mentioned in my message that accompanied Larry Davies' weekly
"Sowing Seeds of Faith" that I am undergoing some challenging
days. At work, we are reaching a project deadline, so, (as
happens all too often) people are looking for others to blame
when things do not go perfectly. At home, my baby son is quite
ill, so I have no interest in fighting with people at work.

I have to remind myself often, but especially when my anger
flares, when something is out of my comfort zone, that I need to
think about things that are good and true, as the verse below
reminds me. I know this verse well, and I claim it for my life.
But I struggle. Just saying the words is no cure for the
troubles of the day. Yet, I have hope. For one thing, the
troubles of today will be gone today. In fact, today's work
troubles are already in the past! But I have something else: I
have a hope that will endure when all other things have passed
away, I have a hope of being with the One that loves me, just as
I am, flaws and all, forever!

Please pray for one another as we go through these days. I am
almost sure that many of you had rough days today. Let me assure
you that YOU are deeply loved, fully accepted, and completely
forgiven, even if you broke everything you touched today! I
personally need that kind of assurance too!

Dear Lord,

Thank You for the great and wonderful promises that You give us,
and the complete faithfulness in which they are given. I gladly
offer myself to You today without reservation, without excuse,
and without reserve. Please be with all of my friends, lead our
nation and our world with Your Righteous Right Hand, and draw us
nearer to You, Precious Lord. Amen.

Brother Brian,8631,~9,00.htm
Heartlight Daily Verse by Phil Ware

January 25

Philippians 4:8 Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is
right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think
about such things.

Thoughts on today's verse

Our actions follow our thoughts like a heat-seeking missile
follows the exhaust of a jet fighter's engine. So in a day when
so much around us trains us to find the negative in life, we must
aggressively think and pursue the character, the qualities, and
the things of God's goodness.


Holy and Magnificent God, thank you for being better than
anything my world can offer me. Thank you for calling me to a
higher standard than the world accepts. Thank you for giving me
the promise of a better future than any human can imagine. Thank
you for giving me a high calling. In Jesus' holy name I pray.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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