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Word for Today, Fri, 26 Oct 2001: Call it grace!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This is a message of encouragement for me, and I pray that it is
a message of encouragement for each of you as well. I eagerly
embrace the gracious gift of God.

Your Brother in Christ,

From: "ChristianNet" <>
To: "Word For Today mailing list" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 21:00:00 +0100
Subject: [WFT] Fri 26 Oct 01 - Call it grace!

WORD FOR TODAY by Bob Gass - Friday 26th October 2001

Call it grace!



God loves you just as you are, but He loves you too much to let
you stay that way! Do you think God's love for you would be
stronger, if your faith was stronger? No. You're confusing God's
love with human love. Human love increases with performance and
decreases with mistakes. But not God's love; He loves you just
as you are right now.

Do you have trouble accepting that? Listen to how God introduces
himself: "I am the Lord, the merciful and gracious God. I am
slow to anger and rich in unfailing love and faithfulness" (Ex
34:6 NLT). Awesome!

In spite of his terrible failures, David could say, "I will sing
of the mercies of the Lord forever. With my mouth will I make
known Thy faithfulness to all generations"

(Ps 89:1). And if you need more to convince you, Paul writes,
"God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for
us while we were still sinners" (Rom 5:8 NLT).

Get rid of your do-it-yourself righteousness. Salvation is not
Do! Do! Do! It's Done! Done! Done! It's a finished work. You
can add nothing to it. You stand before Him in His name and in
His righteousness - not yours.

Perhaps you're saying, "It sounds too easy." Wrong! There was
nothing easy about it! The cross was heavy, the blood was real
and the price was staggering. It would have bankrupted you and
me, so He paid it for us. Call it simple, call it a gift, but
don't call it easy. Call it what it is - call it grace!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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