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Word for Today< Fri, 28 Jun 2002: Stubborn disobedience

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I recently subscribed to a periodical publication entitled,
"Gleanings From The Word" by Kevin Corbin. I was sent a message
from an earlier message from a friend. Today, I got another
message, which I'd like to share with you now. Using the analogy
in the story, I'm wondering which blankets in our lives we are
unwilling to retrieve? I've been thinking about that a lot
lately... namely, is God leading me in a different direction, and
I'm just sitting there?

How about you? My prayer is that this message will cause each of
us to examine where we're at with God today and consider if we're
just sitting there, or if we are really responding to God.

Your Brother in Christ,

Subscribe/unsubscribe information at the end of this email

Experiencing an extraordinary God in ordinary life
Issue # 532 June 28, 2002
Stubborn disobedience

If you have been reading Gleanings for a while, you know that I
have a dog. She's kind of hard to describe, her mother was a
border collie and her father was a basset hound. She has the coat
and the features of a collie, but the long heavy body and short
legs of a basset.

Genni (short for Genesis) has two distinct modes, there is border
collie mode and there is basset mode. When she gets her mind set
into basset mode, nothing deters her; she is as stubborn as a
hound on a scent.

The other evening she went into basset mode. I told her to get
her blanket. She thinks retrieving anything is a dumb game but
she will usually comply, once.

If I throw her Frisbee, she'll go bring it back, once. If I throw
it again, she gives me a look like "why did you throw it away
again?" Then she'll go over to the Frisbee and chew on it but
will not bring it back. It's pretty much the same with anything
we throw. There is definitely no retriever blood in her veins.

But back to the blanket. She simply decided she wasn't going to
get it. No amount of incentive, cajoling and nagging could get
her to bring it to me. On occasion she would go lay on it and
look at me like "Now are you happy?"

She would come back and give me her "I love you boss" look. She
would come back and roll over in submission acknowledging that I
was boss, but she simply would not bring the blanket.

I still loved her at the end of the evening (I never did get the
blanket) but I was frustrated.

I wonder if sometimes that's how God feels with us. We say we
believe, we might try something one, we acknowledge Him as
Saviour but sometimes we get our back up and will not do what He
tells us.

We choose not to forgive someone. We ignore His warnings to give
up a behaviour or attitude. We don't tell people about Him even
when Holy Spirit is almost screaming in our ear. We simply will
not do it.

When all is said and done He still loves us and forgives us, but
what pain we cause Him. I wonder what wonderful blessings we miss
out on because of our stubborn hearts.

The people of Israel had stubborn hearts and it cost them dearly.

Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a
long time later he spoke through David, as was said before:
"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts."
Hebrews 4:7 NIV

What are you missing because of a hard stubborn heart? Will you
give in today and obey or will you choose to continue to disobey?

Hallelu Yah


Did you know that no matter what mistakes you have made, no
matter how wilfully disobedient you have been, no matter how
stubborn, God still loves you? He will accept you where you are
and forgive you if you only ask Him. There is a catch, you must
do the asking and you can only do it while you are alive. Don't
wait ask Him today.

Email me and I'll share some Bible verses that explain why a
personal relationship with Jesus is so important and a prayer
that will make it possible.

Or simply begin the relationship by saying a prayer along the
lines of:

Dear God:

I have made many mistakes in my life and done things I am not
proud of. I need your love and forgiveness. I believe that you
came into this world and gave your life on a cross to pay for my
sins and that you defeated death and rose again. Please forgive
me, and be the Lord of my life. I give my life to you Lord.


If you pray this prayer let me know so I can rejoice with you.

Did you know that at Gleanings, we have a dedicated team of
prayer warriors and all prayer concerns are kept strictly
confidential? Your comments, your questions and your joys are
shared with the prayer team, to keep me accountable as the head
of the ministry and to encourage them as they see God at work in
your life. As with prayer all these things are kept confidential
within the Gleanings team. To share your prayer concerns and
praise reports email us at

If you enjoy this issue of Gleanings From The Word, email it, in
its entirety, to a friend. For information on use of Gleanings in
your church newsletter or other situations please visit the
permissions page.

Archived issues of Gleanings From The Word can be found on our
web site

To share your thoughts on this issue of Gleanings, or to share
prayer concerns email us at or write us at

Gleanings From The Word Ministries International
114 Oak St
Sherwood Park, AB
T8A 0V8

2002 K.F. "Kevin" Corbin
Gleanings From The Word Ministries International
All Rights Reserved


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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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