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Word for Today, Fri, 29 Mar 2002: Miracles DO Happen!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

As we end this work week, what better way than to take a close
look at ourselves, considering the words of my friend, Larry
Davies? In this week's message, Larry writes about the miracle
of a changed life. May our lives bring praise to God, and may
our prayers and caring responses bring God's miracles to life,
not only in us, but in those around us as well!

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds Ministry wishes you a very special Holy Week and
Easter. May Christ bless your life this week. Thank you for being
such an important part of our ministry. Larry Davies

Sowing Seeds of Faith

"One of God's Miracles: Michael" Larry Davies

Our website: receives nearly one
hundred prayer requests every week. At least four or five of
those weekly requests are from people contemplating suicide. Our
response is to circulate the requests to our 3,300 prayer
partners who pray and often send through email, letters of
encouragement. Over the years we have seen many potential
suicides change their minds because of the persistent bombardment
of loving emails received from around the world.

Michael Davis sent Sowing Seeds Ministry the following email
after reading several of our devotions on the subject of
suicide. His letter illustrates the despair and hopelessness of
someone ready to end it all. But Michael also writes of a
dramatic healing that changed his life from one filled with
despair to a renewed sense of hope. As we celebrate Easter, we
meet another one of God's miracles: Michael.

I read your 'Three Suicide Letters' devotion and wanted to send you my story
about suicide: How God saved me from doing it. My name is Michael. My Mother
said she named me after the Archangel.

I hit bottom and was very suicidal. My friends were using me and
I was tired of it. I still have constant pain in my back, neck
and upper body from a truck accident. I have a constant ringing
in my head that keeps me awake at night. Most people seem
concerned about only themselves. I thought the human race was
going insane. I lost jobs due to my irritability and
frustration. I was fed up with living.

I prayed many times for God to use me. I wanted to be in
situations where I could help other people. I felt called to
lessen the stress and pain suffered by so many but I began to
feel God was not listening. I lost my purpose in life and there
was no reason for me to stay around.

At one time, I was a dedicated part of a youth ministry in
St. Petersburg, Florida. I went to Bible College and studied for
youth ministry. But before the end of the semester I was kicked
out for being a 'disruptive influence". I was asking too many
questions they felt were causing harm to other's faith. After
that I left the church and Christianity. I was angry for the
'brainwashing' by my youth group.

I was still seeking the truth. I prayed many times for God to
lead me but I was prideful and thought I could figure out most of
the truth for myself. At times it seemed I was being led back to
the Christian church but I did not want to go. I even studied
witchcraft and other things. I became a Tarot card reader. I felt
able to help people by reading their cards and counseling them. I
was really low.

By December 2001, I was at rock bottom. I was going to just
'check out'. But I did manage to get help and spent fifteen days
in the mental ward at a local hospital. After getting out, I
still had suicidal feelings but decided to try working in a
homeless shelter and see if I could get something going.

At the shelter they have nightly chapel with guest speakers from
different churches. After listening to several, I began to see
how God was leading me back to Him. I began reading the Bible to
see if it said anything to me. I discovered God has been there
all the time but I wasn't listening. I had too much pride. I was
influenced by anti-Christian friends. I lost my self-respect.

I needed to allow God to change me and He did!

There has been a major transformation in my life. I have really
changed. Recently, I gave the sermon at the homeless shelter and
many told me the message really touched them. I also found a
church to become a part of and I am well on the road to a full,
loving life serving Christ.

And to think: I had been praying for God to take my life. I guess
He did, but not in the way I intended. It is so amazing how I was
ready to kill myself less than a month ago but now I am happy and
energetic and feel loved and secure by almighty God. Thank you
for listening. Michael Davis,

Are you considering suicide? Please think again! There are other
options. Just ask Michael Davis. Do you want to become one of our
email prayer partners? If
you like this devotion you will love the book: 'Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life!
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me,
and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can
do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like a
useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great
glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)


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