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Word for Today, Fri, 29 Sep 2000: The Best Imitation

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I think that a quick lesson from the book of Phillipians makes an
excellent reminder, certainly for me, hopefully for many of us.
In chapter 2, Paul is writing a letter to the early Christian
church at Phillipi. He reminds them to be imitators of Jesus
Christ in every possible way. Here is an excerpt from part of
that passage:



"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility
of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than
himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests,
but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in
yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:3-5 NAS).

Why would the apostle Paul tell these people to "regard one
another as more important"? Well, you know this is contrary to
conventional wisdom, which tells us to take care of our own needs
first; otherwise they won't get taken care of. But the apostle
Paul knew the teachings of Jesus well; he was undoubtedly
familiar, not only with the famous "Sermon on the Mount" (see
Matthew 5-7), but in the sacrificial life of Jesus.

You see, Jesus didn't HAVE to do anything that He did. Being
God, what did He need with the people of His day, or us, for that
matter? Well, perhaps it is more a statement of the nature of
God than it is a matter of "need". God created each one of us,
He loves us, and He desires a relationship with us. He was
willing to put aside His own self interests and consider ours, to
the complete abandonment of His own.

God calls us to be like minded, in other words, to do a similar
thing. That may not mean that we get murdered for what we
believe, though that has happened to some. What it does mean is
that in whatever we do and wherever we go, be kind, considerate,
thoughtful, and encouraging. These are a few of the attributes
of love, and God IS love.

Dear Lord,

I am very mindful of what You have done for me. I have read of
Your kindness and sacrificial ways. I see, every day, how You
supply my physical needs. Sometimes, I think I need other
things, yet You know what I need better than I do. Please accept
my thanks and praise today for what you have done, for who You
are, and for all the gifts I have personally seen.

May my life and every thought be pleasing to You. Help me to
listen carefully, for I know Your Presence, yet I am prone to
allow myself to get busy or selfish. Forgive me when I take
these paths, for I do not intentionally offend You or anyone
else. Lead me, continually, in the manner which pleases You and
accomplished Your purpose. Amen.

Have a great weekend, my friends in Christ. I encourage each of
you to attend a church service this week, and I also encourage
you to consider the humility of Jesus Christ, and behave in a
similar manner to everyone you see, especially family and

Brother Brian

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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