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Word for Today, Fri, 31 Aug 2001: The Appropriate Way to Meet Our Needs

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

It has been a pretty good week, hasn't it?

I don't know about you, but rarely is there a day, much less
a week, where I don't have to face some fairly significant
difficulty, stress, sad news from someone or somewhere.
At the same time, I don't want to leave you with the impression
that life is not good. For every struggle, for every difficulty,
there is some hope, some alternative, and something to look forward

Yes, I generally have a good week, and this week has been no
exception. I have had a pretty encouraging week in my search
for a job. No, I haven't been offered a job yet, but I am finally
starting to hear about opportunities, and that gives me hope.

My brother in-law, Tom, is still in serious condition with Leukemia.
I don't expect that situation to ease up any time soon. Please
continue to remember Tom in your prayers, for comfort, for healing,
and for a renewal of the faith he once claimed as his own.

My sister in-law, Kate, lives with the family of her best friend,
Heidi. Heidi's father, Greg, had major chest pains last week. We
suggested that he go to a major cardiac care hospital. He finally
did so this week. It was found that he had a fairly serious heart
attack, and they are performing some kind of heart surgery on him.
He is in his middle forties and has a family with children still
at home. Please pray for his health, and for a personal relationship
with Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals.

Incidentally, through the ages, people have given many names for the
One True God. Jehovah Rapha simply means "The God who heals".

Today, we learn the importance of not only doing good deeds to meet
the needs of others, but to encourage them as well. I have often
commented that it is not difficult to find needs around us. All we
have to do is open our eyes and ears. Someone is always hungry,
angry, lonely, tired, or hurt. Even if we come from surroundings
where things seem pretty good, things are not always what they
seem to be. People struggle. People falter. The greatest thing
we can do to make a positive difference in this world is to first
make sure we have a close, personal relationship with God, and we
realize our deep need for that. Then we need to continually seek
God, and return the love to Him that He has shown to us. Finally,
we need to share the same love that God has lavished on us with
others. Believe me, there are those in need all over the place.
Frankly, we NEED one another. When we admit that and seek God
to help us in our relationships, we begin to approach His purpose
for our lives.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: Neil Anderson <>
Subject: Neil Anderson Devotional for Friday, August 31, 2001

from Freedom in Christ Ministries

August 31


Let our people also learn to engage in good deeds to meet
pressing needs, that they may not be unfruitful (Titus 3:14).

We all have basic human needs to feel loved, accepted and
worthwhile. When these needs go unmet, it's very important that
we express them to our family members and fellow Christians in a
positive way and allow others to minister to those needs. I
believe that one basis for temptation is unmet legitimate needs.
When you are too proud to say, "I don't feel loved." or when you
push others away by saying, "You don't love me anymore," your
need for love goes unmet. So Satan comes along with a tempting
alternative: "Your wife doesn't love you like you deserve. But
have you noticed the affectionate gleam in your secretary's eye?"

Other than Himself, God's primary resource for meeting your needs
and keeping you pure is other believers. The problem is that many
go to Sunday school, church and Bible study wearing a
sanctimonious mask. Wanting to appear strong and together, they
rob themselves of the opportunity of having their needs met in
the warmth and safety of the Christian community. In the process,
they rob the community of the opportunity to minister to their
needs. By denying the fellowship of believers the privilege of
meeting your legitimate needs, you are acting independently of
God. You are vulnerable to the temptation of thinking that you
can have your needs met in the world, the flesh and the devil.

Instead, follow the guidance of Hebrews 10:24, 25: "Let us
consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not
forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some,
but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day
drawing near."

Lord, grant me the humility to confess my needs and hurts to my
Christian family in order to allow You to meet my needs in Your
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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