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Word for Today, Fri, 4 May 2001: Balance in the Vine

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I think that Larry Davies, once again, has used a fairly
well-known set of news stories to remind us of an important
principle. David Wilkerson, the man who brought "The Prayer of
Jabez" to the attention of so many of us, also writes about how
we can have a deep inner passion for what we do, yet have a
balance. The answer, which is what Larry also writes about
today, is to remain rooted in the One who maintains "The Vine".
I have some empathy for some of the things those cults were
after, and I can understand their frustration with our
government, but I can never condone their response. You see,
they tried to manage their own vineyard, and that's where they
ran into problems. We know that their emphasis was wrong,
because murder, particularly of innocent bystanders, is not
justified, even though there were almost certainly injustices,
which they wanted to expose.

So how do we reconcile such things? Well, for one thing, our job
is not to take revenge upon ourselves. That is God's job, as
scripture clearly says, "Revenge is mine, I will repay", says the

Our job is to remain in the Vine. That is, we are to connect
with our Creator, through the Vine keeper, Jesus Christ. Any
other approach gets us into trouble. I know that, and I have
shared, on numerous occasions, how I got myself into trouble when
I tried to do my own thing.

My heart's desire is not to get even with anyone, or to attempt
to orchestrate my own interpretation of justice. Instead, my
deep desire is to first, personally seek God with all my heart.
In order to keep even that goal clearly in mind, and in the
proper balance, I need to regularly read scripture, pray, talk
about it with others, and seek the Holy Spirit to convict me of
what is right, then to obediently follow His Spirit. Any other
approach is bound to result in something that will separate me
from the purpose that God has created for my life.

I urge you to read Larry's message, look at the scripture, seek
God first, and respond to what God has said:

"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD
require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk
humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)

Brother Brian

Reply-to: Free Weekly Devotions <>
Subject: Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma City and Waco
- Sowing Seeds Ministry Weekly Devotion - 5/4/2001

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Sowing Seeds of Faith

Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma and Waco Larry Davies

Its been eight years since an obscure cult led by David Koresh
chose suicide rather than surrender to the FBI, resulting in the
horrible fire which took the lives of so many in Waco Texas. One
newspaper article began with the following haunting words: They
were innocents. Trapped inside the prairie compounds walls,
they had no voices, no recourse, no protector. Seventeen young
children, some of them babies, had the hour of their deaths
dictated by David Koresh, the religious zealot who was father to
many of them and who controlled every aspect of their existence.

Two years later, another passionate zealot, Timothy McVeigh,
sought revenge over the Waco tragedy. He filled a Ryder truck
with explosives and parked it in front of a government office
building in Oklahoma City. The resulting explosion killed 168
people, many of them children attending a day care center. Who
can ever forget the image of a dazed fireman walking away from
the carnage gently cradling a dying infant? Along with millions
of others I could only watch in horror.

Today there is a memorial in Oklahoma City to forever remember
the tragedy and those who perished. What about Timothy McVeigh?
On May 16, he will be executed: The first person executed by the
federal government in many years. Should this be where it ends?
Are there lessons for us all?

I noticed that David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh had something in
common. The both passionately believed their particular cause
transcended any consequences that may occur. If innocent men,
women and children suffer and die so be it! Whats important is
our passion for the cause!

We see the same passion in business, where company loyalty and
profits mean more than ethics and morality. We see the passion
in athletics, when a team sacrifices anything and everything for
a winning season. We even see the passion in church, where one
group claims to have all the answers and anyone who dares to
disagree is going straight to well, you get the picture.

Ouch! I talk often of becoming more passionate about our faith
so is this where our passion inevitably leads? Of course not but
there are subtle dangers we all face. We may not ignite a bomb
but every time we act smug or condescending or self-righteous we
are hurting someone just as effectively.

So what can we learn from the mistakes of David Koresh and
Timothy McVeigh? Among the last words on earth Jesus said to his
disciples were these: Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.
Those who remain in me and I in them will produce much fruit.
For apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5) I found four
critical lessons within this one verse:

1. I am the vine; you are the branches The Christian life
should always be a balance between two extremes. One extreme is
to ignore our need for God and struggle to make it on our own.
Another extreme is promoting your particular interpretation of
God while giving no respect to others. Does our ministry
consistently point to the vine of Gods grace and love?

2. Those who remain in me Prayer is how we remain in
God and should always be our top priority. Prayer reminds us
that God is ultimately in control of our ministry and our lives.
Prayer is recognizing Gods strength and our weakness.

3. will produce much fruit. Does our ministry seek
excellence? Do we strive to excel and set a good example in
every area of our daily life? Do our actions reflect our
beliefs? Do I listen as well as I talk? Are you a positive
influence in your community?

4. For apart from me you can do nothing. Are we doing what
God wants us to do? Are we reaching those who really need us?
Do I have a humble attitude? Do you offer an encouraging word to
those who suffer? Can people see God within us as we serve?

How can we avoid the sins of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh and
learn from the tragedy of Waco and Oklahoma City? We work at
keeping our faith in balance, maintain an active prayer life,
seek to excel in all that we do and never forget that apart from
God we can do nothing.

May 16, 2001 represents a chance to pray for Timothy McVeigh, for
families in Oklahoma City and us.

Again, thank you for your patience. God bless you. Larry Davies

Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer challenge for 2001: Prayer of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would
be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." So God granted
him what he requested.

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