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Word for Today, Fri, 5 Oct 2001: The Transformed Stain

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I'd like to use a resource for today's message that I don't
believe I have previously shared in the Word for Today mailing,
though I have seen material from this source before. The Email
message is called the iExalt Insider. Today's message gives an
illustration about a nasty stain, and how it was transformed into
something beautiful. That is precisely what Jesus Christ has
done in my life - transformed a nasty stain into something He can
use. Today I know that I am deeply loved, fully accepted, and
completely forgiven. My source of hope comes from the Lord

Your Brother in Christ,

Welcome to the iExalt Insider!

Outside of Glasgow, Scotland, there's a seafood restaurant. It
has an interesting story behind it. Years ago there were some
Scottish fishermen in there bragging about their catch. As
fishermen always have done, one of them was talking about how big
was the fish he caught, and as he thrust his arms out, he
inadvertently struck a pot of hot tea that broke on the wall and
left a blot, a stain on that white wall. Well, they tried to
clean it off and he apologized, but it still left a stain there.
While they were talking about it with the owner, a stranger in
that restaurant walked over there and looked at that stain. And
then he withdrew from his pocket a drawing pencil and began to
sketch around the stain until he had drawn a beautiful picture of
a majestic stag with its antlers down. Then he pulled a couple
of other colored pencils out of his pocket and began to sketch in
a background to that. And as the crowd in that restaurant stood
dumbfounded, they watched a beautiful wildlife landscape appear
on that wall. They discovered that the visitor, the stranger,
was none other than Sir Edwin Lancier, the most renowned wildlife
artist in all of Great Britain. Today in that restaurant, the
most prized possession is that mural on the wall of that wildlife
scene. What started out as an ugly stain was transformed into a
beautiful scene.

Isn't that what Jesus does to us? Isn't that what Jesus does for
us? He takes that ugly blot and that blemish and that stain of
sin in our lives, and he doesn't just wash it away and leave
nothing. Instead he washes away the sin and he transforms our
lives into something beautiful. Yes, we are sinners, but by the
power of God, he can transform us.

2001 David O. Dykes All Rights Reserved. This resource and
over 7000 others are available at

Psalms 146: 5-6
"How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is
in the Lord his God. Who made heaven and earth, the sea and all
that is in them; Who keeps faith forever."

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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