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Word for Today, Fri, 6 Apr 2001: Prayer Needs from Around the World

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Something really touched my heart yesterday. I was thinking about my
relationship with God, and about how He longs to have a relationship
with me. It might have been a combination of the words that Larry Davies
wrote and the message that Moody Bible Institute president, Joe Stoll,
has been sharing this week on his radio program, "Proclaim", but in any
case, I think it was a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit that worked
in my heart out of what was said and written. Yesterday, I sent you
some of my thoughts. Some additional thoughts are in my letter to the
Sowing Seeds of Faith prayer team.

My friends, to me, prayer is about God including US in His work. It is
God who heals, it is God who created, and it is God who has the answers.
We cannot manipulate God with what we say and do, and with what we pray,
but God longs to hear from us and also to speak with us, as we quiet
ourselves enough to sense His Holy Spirit within us.

So today, I offer to you Larry Davies' Sowing Seeds of Faith prayer list.
I encourage you to read it and pray. If you have the time, interest,
and sensitivity of the Holy Spirit within you, it might even be nice to
send someone on Larry's list a message of encouragement. There are lonely
people out there, people who are sick, people who need work, but all of
them need encouragement.

Larry is not always able to send individual messages to every person,
though I know that he personally responds to many people. But the really
good thing about this ministry, which has many readers and many people
who pray, is that each one of us has an opportunity to love and serve.
If we encourage just one person a week, you'd be surprised how much that
means to those sending in the requests. It lets them know that someone

I don't know about you, but I am always busy. Just getting time to read
my mail, much less write anything, takes quite a bit of time. But to me,
what makes life worth living is to recognize that I am deeply loved,
fully accepted, and completely forgiven of all my failings. That's what
my relationship with God is all about. My heart's desire is to share in
that relationship with as many people as possible. Those who are hurting,
for whatever reason, are perhaps the most needy of all, and are often
receptive. But my heart also goes out to those who are so self sufficient
that they don't need anyone or anything. To me, those are the ones who
are truly lost. I care about both, and pray for the opportunity to tell
anyone what has made the difference for me - recognizing the extent of
God's love for me, given the sacrificial life of Jesus Christ.

Reading all of these messages takes time. Sometimes that can be difficult.
My prayer is that collectively, we will be able to bathe these people in
prayer, and our hearts will be renewed as well, as we draw near to God.

Brother Brian

--- Sowing Seeds Ministry <> wrote:
> From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer Needs from Around the World -- April 6,
> 2001
> Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 22:43:52 -0700
> Today, I'll start off our prayer requests with a prayer from one of our
> subscribers: Cowboy Bob Fahrencroggin. Thanks for contributing Bob. Read the
> prayer carefully plus the comments by my email friend Brian who has his own
> mailing list and sends out encouragement almost daily. Check him out... you
> will really like him. May God be with you all this weekend. Larry
> In The Middle by Cowboy Bob Fahrencroggin
> In the middle of each day I live
> At the heart of every breath I take
> You are here You are here
> In the moments when I'm all alone
> When no one rings the telephone
> You are near You are near
> Oh Lord, be my guide
> Let me feel your love inside
> I confess and trust that You
> Gave Your life to see us through
> In the middle of life's push and shove
> At the core, I crave Your love
> No more fear You are here
> You create a healing space
> Lord, I thank You for Your grace
> No more tears You are here
> Chorus (Oh Lord, ..)
> In the middle of the path I see
> Your steps walking in front of me
> It is clear You are here
> In my prayers I find relief
> You're the answer to the pain and grief
> You can hear No more fear
> Chorus
> In the middle of the crashing waves
> I reach out for the Hand that saves
> No more tears You are near
> And now when all is said and done
> I'll live forever with His only Son
> People cheer Cause Heaven's near
> Cowboy Bob Fahrencroggin
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Brian Masinick
> Address: Concord, NH
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Dear friends, I want you to know that I am a prayer partner in
> this ministry. I am deeply and completely convinced that prayers make a
> difference - to us. God is certainly powerful enough and all knowing that
> He can accomplish what concerns us. But I really believe that we are like
> God in this respect: if you happen to be a parent, what would you think if
> your grown child went off on their own, and every so often, returned, just
> to ask for help with something - usually asking for money. We might be
> gracious and give them what they ask, longing for them to spend some time
> with us. But off they go, until the next opportunity arises. How would that
> make you feel? I can tell you that it would sadden me greatly, and probably
> anger me as well. God is much more gracious than I am, slow to anger, and
> abounding in love. But I have to wonder what God thinks of us, when we come
> to Him only when we desperately need something. Being gracious and
> compassionate, I do believe that God hears us, and even answers
> affirmatively on many occasions. But I have to wonder how often we sadden
> His heart, or even bring Him to the point of anger, because we only come to
> Him when we want something. So many of us who write do indeed need things.
> I believe that God is right there, eager to hear our pleas, and waiting to
> hear from us. What happens when He answers? Will we go off again, doing
> our own thing, until another need arises? Or will we earnestly seek Him
> every day, in good times and bad, yearning for a closer relationship with
> Him - the very thing He seeks from us. We should not be hesitant to approach
> God with our requests. But neither should we hurt the One who hears and
> understands our deepest needs by continually turning away once we have what
> we want. God wants people more than anything - He wants to be loved, just
> as each of us wants to be loved. I urge all of you to love God, for God IS
> love! Your brother in Christ, Brian
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Dan
> Address: California
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I am working on getting a new job. But I seem to be hitting a
> blank wall where I think the Lord wants me to apply. So I have decided to
> try other places until His will is made known to me more clearly. I would
> like to get in a Christian environment so I can have fellowship as I work. I
> am a hospital chaplain part-time, but it is not supporting me fully, so I
> have to work on the outside yet until the Lord makes it full-time. There are
> other indications that I may be transitory even in that area, just learning
> how to be compassionate for some other role the Lord has for me down the
> line. I feel disappointed and frustrated because I want to be in the Lord's
> will for my life but I can't seem to find out what that is right now. In
> Bible school they taught us to keep doing what the Lord shows you until He
> shows you something else. Sure could use some prayer on these matters. Could
> use some comment from people on how they saw the Lord's will in their lives
> too. Thanks for your prayers Danl
> Dear Larry: Thank you for your prayers and those of your readers on the
> internet. The Lord is already beginning to work to give us a vision for the
> next three years or less for the chaplaincy. I found out today there are
> hospitals waiting for chaplains up north. We are just getting our licenses
> soon so the Lord is setting everything up slowly. I need a clearer vision of
> what He wants for me now also whether to work parttime where I am or
> elsewhere or go full time ministry now. The funds would have to be there for
> me to do that though. We will see in the next week or so what His will is
> with all this prayer going up. Thanks again. Danl
> -----Original Message-------------------------------------------------
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 4:50 AM
> Please Pray, I am very much alone and lonely. All I ever meet is abusive,
> mean men. I know this is not as serious as some of the letters that you get.
> But just the same loneliness is hard to take. Since my husband died, I have
> had a hard time starting over. Please pray for me a right companion. Thank
> you. Laura.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: susie
> Address: bismarck
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: please pray for my 16 yr old daughter, who is in an out of home
> placement.i pray for her salvation. THANK YOU
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: brenda rodriguez
> Address: tobyhanna pa
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: thank you larry and pray partners for praying for gabbie she made
> it though the operation thank you jesus. she seems better.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Afzal Iqbal []
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:15 AM
> Dear Sowing Seeds Ministry, Please pray for the rivival in our church & the
> work of Holy Spirit, Please pray that people will seek God truly & the Love
> of Divine Holy Spirit will come in there life, May people know Jesus Christ
> Saviour more & more. Also pray for the Fire of the Holy Spirit come in our
> chruch, Charistain Charismatic Chruch & into this city Karachi, Pakistan.
> Keep on praying in the spirit every day for us and for those who are in
> need.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Comments: I'm a born again christian and i have given my life to the Lord
> 8mnths ago. my life was totally destroyed but i found peace and happiness
> and many things in my life changed. i got myself in dept that got out of
> control and now i feel guilty about it. i feel ashame because people are
> talking about me in the church. i skipped meeting for almost a week and
> don't want to communicate with any one. i now it's the scheme of the devil
> but i feel weak. i cried alot and now i have no tears any more. what can i
> do because it's making me sad. i don't want my old life because the past was
> too bad for me and i hate it. please pray for me that i will find my way
> again and that the Lord will genuine forgive me. pray for His grace to be
> upon me and for the Lord to reveal Himself in my life because i am nothing
> before Him. pray so that the Lord will make a miracle for my financial life
> because this problem is pulling me down. i know i have been praying for
> others and i was too proud to ask for others to pray for me but the Bible
> says in the Book of Provebs - humble yourself and plea to your neighbour and
> he will understand and that's why i took the step to go and apologise to
> those i offended. pray for God to give strength to carry on. i love you all
> in Jesus name. love olivia
> -----Original Message-----------------------------------
> From: []
> Dear Rev, I have being looking for a breakthrough for my son for the longest
> time. School is such a struggle for him that he is now becoming the class
> clown for attention. I have done everything, when i think things are getting
> better they get worse. Beleive me prayer was and is one of my greatest help.
> Am i doing something wrong. Donna.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Marleen
> Address: British Columbia,
> Canada
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Hi, I need prayer, to quit smoking, I quit for several weeks
> before, but am having a hard time quitting now! I went through a bitter
> divorce six years ago, my ex-husband kidnapped and has brainwashed my son's
> against me. I have reached out, but my boy's don't want nothing to do with
> me!
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Christie
> Address: Texas
> PrayerTeam: already receiving
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Hold the Praises, guys. The job that I told you about on Tuesday?
> Well, the person who quit to open the job said that they really didn't quit.
> So the job offer was withdrawn. I'm trying very hard to see the good in
> this. I had already turned in my resignation on my old job.
> Pray with me that I will know God's will. I am hurting so bad. Christie
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Becky Allan
> Address: St. Louis, Missouri
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I'm a single mom with an 18 year old son getting ready to leave
> for college. I have a
> boyfriend who does not think I have done a good job with my son. He
> continually voices his negative opinion. This is causing very much stress
> for me because my son will be leaving for college in 4 months. I do not want
> to have all these negative feelings before my son leave. I think I will be
> having enough problems with the empty nest of him leaving. I have been a
> single mom since my son was one and we are unusally close. I take everything
> said about him very personally.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 8:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Trying to forgive myself
> I know that God has good plans for me, and that is my strength to overcome
> this. God has given me an image (I actually drew it in my special notebook)
> in the middle of the night some time ago. This image is a building with the
> words Center for Hope-Crisis Center for Women. I know that I must focus on
> Jesus and God right now. It is in God's hands how he chooses to use me and
> my circumstances to his Glory. Please add me to your prayer chain. I need
> prayer for courage, strength, and protection for healing at this time. I
> would also like you to pray for this vision. I know that right now it seems
> a long way away, sometimes impossible for me to achieve--but for this to
> happen is need a Prayer foundation. That it is God's will for it to happen.
> I know that I must put all my trust into him-but that bad old devil is
> working against me putting thoughts of doubt, and fear and unworthiness, and
> of course the main one "You will never be forgiven." It is such a spiritual
> battle on this journey. Thank you for responding to me so quickly. I would
> also like to receive your devotions. God Bless You -- and I have hope that
> like you that God will use me to help women like myself. Thank You so Much.
> AKA Julie Belden
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:54 AM
> To:
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: m.d.garza
> Address: u.s.
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email: mailto:gmarydinaruth212
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Rev Davies I had been given the Jabez prayer about 2 wks ago read
> the book and even heard a Pastor teach on it Praise the Lord, so I have been
> praying it since then God has moved thank you Jesus, though I also need
> prayer for my clothing store Ruth Fashions, God has blessed me with the
> store though Im having lots of women in as they come in they walk out
> quickly. Im asking God what is going on 1st month of opening their was such
> an outpour, I am a tither,giver, the store is a tool for the Lord Ive had
> God move with healing deliverance. Though its like it been cut off? So my
> prayer is that Gods will, purpose will be done. It is also to send the
> gospel to all the nations. Thank you An Ambassador of Jesus Chirst
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Lindsay
> Address: Las Vegas
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for my friend Laura she found out yesterday she has
> cancer.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Lawson []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 1:35 PM
> To: Sowing Seeds Ministry
> Subject: Prayer Request
> Larry, Please add Marvin Tarpley to the prayer list. Marvin was my mentor
> while at DuPont and is since retired. He has lost his voice due to some
> strange sort of "vocal cord" paralysis. He is going in for surgery soon.
> They don't know if its cancer or not. I'm in Atlanta today and he lives
> south of town about 20 minutes. I'm going by later to see him. Ray
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Elaine Brydon
> Address: Virginia Beach, VA
> PrayerTeam: YES
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings:
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for Erika Odom. She is a fifteen year old run away and
> daughter of one of my coworkers here in Virginia Beach, VA. Please pray for
> her saftey and guidance, as well as for her parents and brother.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marco Flores []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 12:24 PM
> To:
> Subject:
> Dear Larry, I would like to put a prayer request for Marti & Liz Rosenthal.
> They Both have gone through so much these last few years. With Marti being
> robbed and severly beaten and now suffer with migraine headaches to Liz
> having a brain tumor and going through surgery. Well at first it
> looked like she had beat this thing when the doctors tell her now she only
> has 6 months to live. The cancer is back and has spread. But they both
> countinue to go to church and are inspiration to me and very many people.
> They have not let any of these things get them down. I just ask that we pray
> for them and that the Lord will have his way in all they do. God Bless!!
> -----Original Message-------------------------------------------------
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:00 AM
> Subject: RE: Prayers for Becky...
> Well, little Alyssa Brooke has arrived! At 9:27pm last night (April 2nd),
> Becky gave birth to a beautiful 7lb 7-3/4oz, 21" long baby girl. Both mother
> and baby (and the new daddy Derek!) are doing wonderfully. Thank you so much
> for all your prayers, and please continue to pray for this new little
> family. The doctor will be doing an ultrasound later today on Alyssa's
> kidneys as a precaution, due to a small problem earlier in Becky's
> pregnancy, although they do not expect any problems with them now. Becky's
> email address is , if anyone would like to send her a
> line of encouragement and/or congratulations (I'm sure she will be trying to
> find time to check it when they get home!). Thank you again, and may God
> bless you all!! From the new great-aunt, Hope
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Barb
> Address: Tennesse
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for the restoration of my marriage and family. The
> divorce was final in February but I am still standing for the restoration.
> We are still in the same house and he has asked me to move and to remove my
> rings. I believe my marriage is a covenant with God and the rings should
> remain on. Please pray for the Lord to give me strength and to make the
> right choices pertaining to a move. So far the Lord hasn't led me to a home.
> I pray for my husband and children to be saved. Barb
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for my family and I. Because of circumstances my
> fiance and I have been living together for 1 month. We will be married by
> the end of May but I feel very guilty and uncomfortable with the situation.
> We had to relocate, he for a new job and I to start college - and we took
> the asy way out. Not the right way. Help me to rectify this situation.
> Also I have found my personal spiritual life fading away, daily devotions
> few and far between, rarely opening my Bible or praying. As well my six year
> old son is suffering from an anxiety problem which is of great concern to
> me. I ask that you lift him up in prayer both for his healing and his faith
> in our Lord.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Randy
> Address: Southern Ohio
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I wrote to ask for prayers for my marriage. I would like for
> everyone to pray fervently for my wife. I believe she is involved in some
> things that are not good for her and those things have caused our marital
> problems that have brought it to the place that she wants to end it. Please
> pray that God will speak to her heart and encourage her to give our marriage
> one more chance. She has not exhausted all resources, she won't consider
> counseling, and she is not the same lady that I married. I fear that our
> adversary has worked her over, but I still love her and want to repair
> things.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name:
> Address:
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings:
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings:
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please continue to pray Peydon will return to Jesus Christ so the
> strongholds on him can be defeated once and for all. Things are considerably
> worse. Peydon is planning to have a woman move in with him shortly. I need
> your help in praying him out of this situation. Only God can reach Peydon
> now. It is still my desire that the Lord will restore our broken
> relationship. Pray too for God to work the miracle needed for this to
> happen. Thank you, Holly (an internet sister in Jesus Christ)

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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