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Word for Today, Fri, 6 Apr 2001: Prayer Without Ceasing - The Answer

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I probably write more about prayer than any other topic. Perhaps
that is because I feel very strongly about the power of prayer.
As I read the Bible, I see all kinds of statements that tell us
things like, "Do not fret" (Psalm 37), do not worry, but instead,
earnestly seek God (Matthew 6:33-34).

The apostle Paul spent a lot of time learning about the ways of
Jesus Christ. At one time, (when he was called Saul) he was a
persecutor of Christians, and was directly or indirectly
responsible for a great deal of the scattering of the early
church. In retrospect, that actually helped advance the
spreading of the Gospel! But Paul Himself was directly
confronted by Jesus Christ one day, on the road to Damascus. He
was blinded by a bright light, but his heart was forever changed.

He later wrote the words to the church at Philippi, which are
some of my favorite of all scripture. In His concluding words,
he reminds the people to rejoice in the Lord always, think about
all the good things of God, and pray continually. It is not the
only time he says this, either. He says essentially the same
thing to the Thessalonian church, to "pray continually".

The message attached gives some insights into this thing about
praying continually. To me, I want every aspect of my day, no
matter what I am doing, to be sensitive and aware of what God is
doing around me. If I am working, I want God's leading to
influence my choices. If I am at home, taking care of my
children, I want my leadership to be the mind and attitude of

I do want to spend time on my knees in prayer. Obviously, I
cannot be on my knees at every moment of the day, nor do I think
that is what we are called to do. What I do believe is that we
are to be continually in a conversation with God about our day,
what's going on, what's to happen next. I believe, with all my
heart, that when we take on this kind of a posture, every problem
in life that we face can be brought into a new perspective - how
can God use this situation in my life for His purpose and His
glory? Often, that kind of an attitude can diffuse even the most
difficult circumstances, bringing us inner peace and joy,
regardless of what is going on. It is my deep and fervent prayer
that this kind of an attitude is what will bring peace to your
life. It is what will turn our world around, and return it to
its intended place - a place to acknowledge our Creator.

Brother Brian


The Bible commands believers to pray "without ceasing," which on
its face appears to be more difficult than observing most of the
better-known Ten Commandments. Are you really supposed to pray
constantly, continuously? What about eating and sleeping? And
working? And building relationships with your family and friends?
And listening to music? And homework? And checking out the
freshest stuff on the Internet?

Is it really possible to pray all the time?

A posture of awareness

>From my perspective, prayer is a posture. By that, I mean that
it's a way of approaching God - and it's a way of approaching
your life. A "prayer full" posture does not mean one literally
spends days, weeks, months and years on your knees locked in
conscious conversation with God. Rather, life is spent growing
ever more aware of the source of deepest gladness and trust - in
constant communication through that awareness.

Be a person of prayer - in a posture of awareness of and
gratitude to God. For further insight into prayer, read
Philippians 4:6-9. For the prayer Jesus taught to his followers,
read Matthew 6:5-15.

Finally, if you're having trouble praying, notice the common
thread in the above passages and the ones at left. Is there
unconfessed sin in your life? Lack of obedience? Someone you need
to forgive? Make it right -- and pray.

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Psalm 34:4-8
Psalm 34:15
Proverbs 3:5
Jeremiah 33:2-3
Matthew 7:7-11
Mark 11:24-25
Luke 18:1-7
John 14:14-16
Romans 8:26
Ephesians 3:20
Hebrews 4:14-16
James 1:5
James 5:16-18

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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