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Word for Today: [Fwd: My Utmost For His Highest : "The Master Assizes"]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The Bible says that "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ." 

2 Corinthians 5:10    Read this note completely, and you will see that mentioned at least three times.  For Christians, that is all we will see.  That judgment seat will be one where our deeds are examined, where Christ asks us what we have done for Him in His Name.  His judgment seat is not one of punishment - at least not the one for those He has redeemed.    There is another judgment seat, though, called the "Great White Throne" Judgment.  That one, well, you don't want to be judged there because in that judgment, people have not accepted the blood of Jesus Christ as their payment for sin because they have rejected Christ.  All who go to that throne will be found guilty.    I am so grateful that I do not have to face that eternal judgment.  As one redeemed, though, I have a responsibility to warn the lost, that they may heed the warning and face the judgment seat rather than the Great White Throne.    You have to admit that you are a sinner, first, and second, you have to believe that Christ is the only worthy sacrifice for sin - and that He satisfied the consequence of sin completely, and offered it to you - and you accepted.    If you are not 100% you will be visiting that judgment seat, you can be 100% certain.  Write me and I will discuss it gladly as many times as you want - but don't wait.  Life is like a vapor.  I could be here thirty years, I could be gone today.  Same with you.  Make sure which seat and throne you will visit and where you will spend eternity.    Yours in Christ,  Brian