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Word for Today: [Fwd: Prayer Needs for Friday, April 25, 2008]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Since I have not been writing devotional messages with anywhere near the
frequency that I have in the past, I thought I would show you an example
of some of the things that I am doing. By day, I am a Senior Project
Manager at Fidelity Investments. Three evenings a week, usually on
Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings, I prepare a Prayer Needs mailing
list for Sowing Seeds of Faith, a ministry started a decade ago by my
friend, Larry Davies.

At the time the ministry was started, Larry wanted to reach the
unchurched and spread the Gospel through newspaper articles and the
Internet. Well, his Sowing Seeds of Faith was wildly more popular than
he ever could have imagined. As we entered a new decade it was getting
to be overwhelming at times. For me, I was having a tough time just
getting a job in those days. Larry knew about my computer skills and
also he knew of my keen interest in spreading the Gospel and also to
pray for others, since I was an active participant in his online prayer

Nearly five years ago now, Larry asked me if I could help him out, and
he could help me out, at least a bit. I have been the editor of the
Sowing Seeds of Faith prayer needs letter ever since.

Considering that I am forwarding you the prayer needs for Friday, will
you consider reading the scripture passages, getting your heart right
before God, and praying for these people? I write to a few of them
myself, but the idea of the prayer needs ministry is that we establish a
broad group of individuals praying for one another.

Let me just add a few comments. This is not a substitute for personal
prayer, Bible study, or participation in a local church. I have
discussed this with Larry many times. We both agree that the local
church is the appropriate avenue for the majority of organized
activity. This activity is in addition to local church activities. I
am active in my own local church.

Speaking of that, do each of you have your own local church that you
attend? More importantly, do you know for certain that you have a home
reserved for you in heaven? If you are not 100% certain of what will
happen to you one day when your life ends, you can know for certain; the
Bible tells you the two possibilities: eternity with Christ or a
Christ-less eternity in the unquenchable lake of fire. Some churches
don't like to talk about the second part. Well, I don't particularly
like to talk about it either, but I'd sure rather mention it than risk
any person I know having to go there! I'd much rather know for certain
that not only I have a home reserved for me in heaven but that my
friends and associates do as well. If you are not sure, write to me and
I would be more than happy to share the plan of salvation with you and
discuss it as much as you like.

Yours in Christ,

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