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Word for Today Holiday Edition

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I've not been doing much writing during the past week or so.
I've been spending more time with my family and less time with
my computer, which is the right and appropriate thing to do at
this time of year, in my opinion. But I have been receiving
messages, and I thought that one - the usual weekly message
from my friend Larry is well worth sharing with you, along
with my comments.

My friend Larry Davies shares a message that may reach near,
either to you or to someone you know. It comes very close to
where I've been, and I deeply appreciate the sensitivity in how
it is written. The message writes about the grace of God in the
midst of situations that we neither understand nor appreciate -
at least at the time they are happening in our own lives. I'm
quite familiar with the kinds of things Larry's subject went
through. The circumstances for me haven't been quite the same,
but they've been close enough that I can deeply appreciate every
point that was made, every frustration that was experienced, and
every change that God brought about.

Today, I continue to marvel at the things that God does.
Focusing on what God has done and what He continues to do is
certainly a valuable and essential tool to carry when troubles
come. To me, focusing on God and what Christ has done are the
only ways to cope with difficulties. How anyone manages any
other way is beyond my comprehension.

So "where is God's grace?" It's right there, just the same as
always. Where are our eyes? Where are our ears? Where are our
hearts? When we get them right, we will see, hear, and
experience God's grace quite clearly. Mine fog up, block up, and
harden up, from time to time, but the grace of God clears them,
cleans them, and softens them, preparing me to see Him, hear Him,
and experience Him once again. I praise God and celebrate His
visit to men this season!

Your Brother in Christ,

We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. We
wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. May this
Christmas truly be a reminder that Jesus is the reason for the
season. Merry Christmas from Sowing Seeds Ministry and the Davies

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

"Dear Pastor Larry, I received the copies of your wonderful book.
I was surprised to see such a big book. I can see that it's a
treasure for all those who own it. The excerpts all along have
been great, but to have the book with your signature adds quite
another dimension. God bless you and family at Christmas." Leonie

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit." Normally $24.95 now just $10.
Each book is signed. Limit of four books please. Click here for
more information:

"Where is God's Grace?"
Larry Davies

2002 has been a difficult year: the continuing war against
terrorism, the potential war against Iraq, corporate lay-offs,
bankruptcies, accounting scandals which all add up to a
sputtering economy and an unstable world. These events however,
only tell part of the story. The following letter from Terrell
Maddox, an engineer caught up in the wave of corporate lay-offs
shares a more personal view.

"Larry, I do not believe I ever formally thanked anyone for the
many thoughts and prayers on our behalf. Please pass along my
gratitude to those responsible. This past year has truly been a
year of change and I thank the Lord for the loving support our
church has shown me and my family."

"Not always did I put my trust in the Lord as I should. As you
know, I lost my job last year. I set my personal goal, to find
gainful employment one month later. Unfortunately, this did not
happen. Each morning I knew the phone would ring with someone
offering me a job. Each evening when no call came I became
increasingly cynical and angry."

"One Sunday, you talked about grace. You used the analogy of a
father (God) teaching his young son (God's children) to ride a
bike. As they rode along, the father would follow behind with his
hand on the seat so the child would not fall. At some point the
father would let go and the child would ride on his own. I
thought of that sermon many times. I wondered... where was God's
grace in my situation?"

"I went to church every Sunday, put my trust in Him and tried to
raise my children as He instructed. Now we were about to lose
everything we worked so hard to achieve. Where was the grace? I
felt as if I was the young child and my father let go of the
seat. I was successful in riding to the end of the street and as
I turned my bike around no one was there. Father was gone and I
was left to ride back down the street on my own looking for help.
By now months had passed and I was failing to see any grace."

"You have to understand that I am goal oriented and success
driven. I was accustomed to putting together a plan with a
specific outcome in mind and executing that plan. But the
situation I was dealing with was totally out of control. I would
not see and appreciate what God was doing until much later."

Can you understand the pain expressed in this letter? Maybe this
would be a good time to read one of God's promises: "The steps of
the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail
of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the
Lord holds them by the hand." (Psalm 37:23-24) In other words,
you may stumble but God will hold your hand and help you stand up
again. Read on:

"In the midst of this turmoil and uncertainty God sent angels
along our way. Later, I would realize that angels come in all
shapes, sizes and disguises. Through the help and support of
these caring individuals and organizations, the mess we were in
did not turn into a nightmare. They helped me piece jobs together
until something permanent came along. I will always be grateful
to them."

"Life has changed. My current job pays a fraction of what I made
earlier, so we are forced to make adjustments in our lifestyle.
But we stayed in the same house and remained close to our
children to see them grow into adults making life changing
decisions. I also avoided the horror stories my former colleagues
have endured. I have a respectable job and Debbie, my soul-mate,
is still by my side."

"Now I understand why I never saw the father when I looked back
down the street. I realize that the Father had not really
deserted me but was sitting on the front porch watching over me
and my family and blessing us with the grace only a loving God
can give. Grace, you spoke of that Sunday morning."

"I return the financial help our church sent and pray this gift
will go to a family who trusts God more sincerely than I. And I
pray they will soon realize that whatever challenge life
confronts them with... the Father, our loving God will always be
watching over them. Merry Christmas, Terrell"

Thanks Terrell for a great letter. Psalm 37 continues: "Don't be
impatient for the Lord to act! Travel steadily along the path. He
will honor you..." (34) Don't give up... Look up and God will be

Please send Terrell an email of encouragement at...

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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