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Word for Today, Mon, 01 Aug 2005: Till You Are Definitely His

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 01 Aug 2005: Till You Are Definitely His
Dear friends,

Did you have an enjoyable weekend? I hope so. I got to spend
time with my family. Over the past week, we did several fun
things together as a family. Today, we spent time at our local
church. We are charter members of a small, autonomous local
church, whose primary purpose is to reach others for Christ and
for cultivating trust and obedience in our actions and

The late Oswald Chambers, whose readings I have enjoyed for many
years now, is a writer who I appreciate even more as I gradually
mature in Christ. Oswald was writing in these messages primarily
to students who were preparing for ministry. In a very real
sense, I believe our lives ought to be about ministry, even if we
are not pastors and teachers by profession. We all ought to be
able to clearly, quickly, and concisely explain about the eternal
hope that we have, how and when we found it, and why it matters
so much. Is that something that you are prepared to do right

If God were to call you home this very moment, would you be
prepared to give an account for who you are, in whom or what you
place your hope? Do you know for certain that you have an
eternal home prepared for you in heaven? You can know all of
these things for certain. It is my prayer that you are
definitely His. Assuming that is the case, let's purposefully
allow God to conform us in every way to His will and to His way.

Yours in Christ,



July 31, 2005


Let your endurance be a finished product, so that you
may be finished and complete, with never a defect.

James 1:4

Many of us are all right in the main, but there are some domains
in which we are slovenly. It is not a question of sin, but of
the remnants of the carnal life which are apt to make us
slovenly. Slovenliness is an insult to the Holy Ghost. There
should be nothing slovenly, whether it be in the way we eat and
drink, or in the way we worship God.

Not only must our relationship to God be right, but the external
expression of that relationship must be right. Ultimately God
will let nothing escape, every detail is under His scrutiny. In
numberless ways God will bring us back to the same point over and
over again. He never tires of bringing us to the one point until
we learn the lesson, because He is producing the finished
product. It may be a question of impulse, and again and again,
with the most persistent patience, God has brought us back to the
one particular point; or it may be mental wool-gathering, or
independent individuality. God is trying to impress upon us the
one thing that is not entirely right.

We have been having a wonderful time this Session over the
revelation of God's Redemption, our hearts are perfect towards
Him; His wonderful work in us makes us know that in the main we
are right with Him. "Now," says the Spirit, through St. James,
"let your endurance be a finished product." Watch the slipshod
bits - "Oh, that will have to do for now." Whatever it is, God
will point it out with persistence until we are entirely His.

MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST - by Oswald Chambers //
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This devotional is copyright Oswald Chambers Publications,
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Brian Masinick,
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