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Word for Today, Mon, 02 Aug 2004: Adversity

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 02 Aug 2004: Adversity
Dear friends,

Today's message is about adversity. I'm not telling you anything
new - in this life, there will be adversity. The Bible says
this plainly, too. Somehow, though, some people twist scripture
into the false belief and false statement that somehow when we
become Christians our problems will magically go away. Not so.
In fact, becoming a Christian, if you are really 100% committed,
requires a change of thinking and a change of behavior, and that
is not an easy thing at all.

This message is very clear about what really is true. When we
become a Christian, God is always with us. He doesn't remove
adversity. What He does is travel along with us through
adversity. It is during adversity that we discover the real
character of God.

Look at the life of Christ. He did not avoid adversity. No, He
stepped into the middle of adversity - all for us. He confronted
the spiritual leaders of His day and showed them where they were
going astray. Those leaders sure didn't like that! Jesus healed
on the Sabbath, overturned numerous religious practices, was
chased around the country, and eventually killed. The leaders
thought they were taking down a rebel. In reality, they were
punishing and killing the One innocent person of all time, the
sinless Son of God. That was adversity, and out of love, Christ
bore it and He took it for all. He bore the penalty of our
sins. The penalty for sin is death. Therefore, Christ died in
our place. Since He was without sin, when He took our place, He
bore our sins, thus opening the way for us to be forgiven!

How's that for using adversity in a positive way? God does that
all the time in our lives, too. Read the Bible every day, talk
with God about what you have read, and ask God to live with you
through your adverse times (and at all times). You will begin to
see adverse circumstances differently.

I've had to work very hard these past three years just to keep my
family in a home. I may well have permanently lost the career I
worked in so successfully for over twenty years. It has been
difficult. Each day, though, as I lean on God, asking to get
through just one more day, He does it. God gives me hope, vision
for the day ahead, provisions for that day, and so it goes.

I have no idea exactly where things will end up, either. If
something doesn't change soon, my family may lose our home. Talk
about relying on God. If that happens, every single move will
have to be orchestrated by Him. I hope and pray that doesn't
happen, and I'm doing what I can so it won't happen. God is in
control, regardless. To me, knowing that, believing that,
trusting, no matter what, is where real peace lies.

Yours in Christ,

August 2

The Teaching of Adversity

In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good
cheer, I have overcome the world --John 16:33

The typical view of the Christian life is that it means being
delivered from all adversity. But it actually means being
delivered in adversity, which is something very different. "He
who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. No evil shall befall you, nor shall
any plague come near your dwelling..." ( Psalm 91:1,10 ) -- the
place where you are at one with God.

If you are a child of God, you will certainly encounter
adversities, but Jesus says you should not be surprised when they
come. "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good
cheer, I have overcome the world." He is saying, "There is
nothing for you to fear." The same people who refused to talk
about their adversities before they were saved often complain and
worry after being born again because they have the wrong idea of
what it means to live the life of a saint.

God does not give us overcoming life -- He gives us life as we
overcome. The strain of life is what builds our strength. If
there is no strain, there will be no strength. Are you asking God
to give you life, liberty, and joy? He cannot, unless you are
willing to accept the strain. And once you face the strain, you
will immediately get the strength. Overcome your own timidity and
take the first step. Then God will give you nourishment -- "To
him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life..."
(Revelation 2:7). If you completely give of yourself physically,
you become exhausted. But when you give of yourself spiritually,
you get more strength. God never gives us strength for tomorrow,
or for the next hour, but only for the strain of the moment. Our
temptation is to face adversities from the standpoint of our own
common sense. But a saint can "be of good cheer" even when
seemingly defeated by adversities, because victory is absurdly
impossible to everyone, except God.

2003 RBC Ministries-Grand Rapids MI, 49555-0001

Brian Masinick,
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