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Word for Today, Mon, 03 Mar 2003: In Memory of Carl

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This week, my friend Larry Davies gets an early start and has
sent his weekly Sowing Seeds of Faith message out early in the
week. I've been very pressed for time to write recently, so I'm
glad to see Larry's article early in the week,

This message is in memory of Carl. In Larry's case, Carl is a
relative to lived with Down's Syndrome and died this past week.
In my case, I had a wonderful uncle named Carl Renter, who was a
pastor for many years, a happy and encouraging man, and an uncle
whom I loved dearly. Since Carl is the name of a person dearly
loved by both Larry Davies and me, I'd like to honor each of
these people, the beautiful violet named Carl that Larry
remembers and honors, and the Uncle Carl that I loved for so
many years. Each has brightened the lives of people and shared
something of lasting value, so I remember each of them with
fondness in today's message.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Recently, I wrote a story about Heart Havens, a home for the
physically and mentally challenged. The main character was my
cousin, Carl born with Down's syndrome. The loving and devoted
care he received from his family inspired me to write for those
less fortunate who don't have the same opportunities. Carl died
this week and in his honor, I once again share this story as a
tribute to his memory. Please pray for his family during their
time of grief. If you would like to send an encouraging email you
can click here: I will happily
forward it on to the family.

Sowing Seeds Ministry is extremely grateful for the support we
have received for our ministry. Our goal for this year is to
establish one hundred ministry partners that will allow our
ministry to continue and even expand. If you would are interested
in becoming a ministry partner click here for more information:

"Carl, Down Syndrome and Heart Haven"

by Larry Davies

Our family had two reasons to be excited about our vacation.
First, we were flying across the United States to Los Angeles:
home to Hollywood, The Beach Boys and Disneyland. Second we would
be visiting my Uncle and his family for the first time in many
years. Needless to say, we were eagerly anticipating many
memorable experiences. Our vacation was wonderful but the best
part of the whole trip was a surprise: it was the opportunity of
getting to know my cousin, Carl.

Carl greeted us within moments after we arrived. "Hi, cousin
Larry. Would you like to see my house?" He then gave us a
complete tour. In the living room, he showed us the game table
where he played with his dad. We saw the den where he watched
movies and stored his wrestling magazines. But the best part of
the house was his bedroom where most of his prized treasures were

There were pictures and memorabilia everywhere showing Carl with
various celebrities. We heard about a chance meeting with Elvis
Presley and saw a photograph of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball
team signed by each player. There were albums filled with letters
and pictures of family and friends. Then, Carl turned to me and
asked: "Larry, why haven't you sent any pictures or letters?"

What could I say? "Carl, I didn't know how important they were to
you. We'll send some family pictures when we go home. I am really
sorry. Will you forgive me?"

Carl flashed the sweetest smile I've ever seen and said, "Of
course, I forgive you Larry, we're family."

Carl has Down Syndrome, a genetic condition caused by the body
having too many chromosomes. Symptoms include varying degrees of
developmental delays. We don't know yet what causes Down Syndrome
but we do know that nearly one in every thousand babies have it.
That's a lot of folks...

Some would say Carl is impaired. They are so wrong. Carl is
different, but different is not impaired. Kay Drais, the mother
of a child with Down Syndrome wrote: "Indulge me for a moment and
imagine yourself to be a violet growing smack dab in the middle
of a beautiful bed of daisies - and all of your (short) life, the
multitude of daisies surrounding you seem frustrated that you are
different. They try endlessly and to the best of their abilities
to turn you into a daisy, despite the fact you aren't a daisy and
never will be. Have you ever picked up a violet and wished that
it were a daisy instead? Shouldn't you be glad of its' violet
ness and that be sufficient? Is it any different with people?"

Carl is a beautiful violet surrounded by a field of daisies. Yet,
I could not help but feel that Carl is one of the fortunate ones.
A loving family that provides for his every need surrounds him.
He is nurtured and encouraged to learn and develop at his own
pace, all within a safe and wholesome environment.

One question bothered me: "Where would Carl go if anything
happened to his mom and dad?"

Recently, I was asked to write an article for Heart Havens, a
ministry of the United Methodist church in Virginia, which is
building homes for persons with disabilities who no longer have
anyone to care for them. These are residential homes designed to
hold four residents plus staff support. Virginia alone has more
than 5,000 people on various waiting lists who desperately need
this kind of support. In each home, residents will be nurtured
and encouraged to develop at their own pace, all within a safe
and wholesome environment... the same environment my "violet"
cousin Carl receives from his family.

Our church and many others throughout the area will be working
together with Heart Havens to build such a home for the "violets"
who live within our own community. This project will take a lot
of work and cost some money but every time I see Carl's sweet
smile, I know... "It's the right thing to do."

The night before we left Los Angeles, Carl and his dad were lying
on the floor in the living room watching TV. At one point, Carl
scooted closer and gently put his head on dad's shoulder and
whispered softly, "I love you." Together arm in arm, father and
son created a magic moment that turned out to be the highlight of
my vacation and a critical lesson on the meaning of... "love."

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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