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Word for Today, Mon, 04 Mar 2002: The Grace of Technology

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Ah, yes. Grace Hopper! Do any of you know that name? It is not
a name of a person from the Bible, it is the name of a woman who
lived in the twentieth century, who had an impact on each of us
who is readimg this message. Grace was an innovator. She
believed in developing technology to benefit others. (For those
of you who know about computer programming languages, Grace
Hopper was instrumental in the developmemt of COBOL. In her
later years, she was an honorary consultant at Digital Equipment
Corporation, the computer company where I worked for 13 1/2

King David knew that technology could either be used for evil or
for God's purposes. It was David who infiltrated the ranks of
the Philistines to learn about their advanced technology that was
used to make metal weapons. David later conquered the
Philistines, using their technology to save his people.

We may or may not have goals and aspirations as large as Grace
Hopper or King David. But each of us has been given a spirit by
the Living God, a spirit capable of making choices each moment of
each day. We can, and do, make a big difference by the choices
we make. We have the choice to accept God's ways for our life,
and seek His direction in everything, or we can choose to carve
our own path - a direction headed for destruction. What will you
choose today?

Your Brother in Christ,

WORD FOR TODAY from Bob Gass

04 Mar 2002

Grace Hopper


Grace Hopper was born with an incredible desire to know how things
worked. When she was seven, she dismantled every clock in the house.
Eventually, she earned a doctorate in mathematics at Yale University.
During World War II, she joined the Navy and was assigned to its
computer project at Harvard. There she met Harvard Mark I, the first
fully functional, digital computing machine.

Unlike the clocks in her childhood home, this had 750,000 parts and
500 miles of wire! Most experts thought it was too complicated and
expensive for anybody other than "experts." But not Grace Hopper! Her
goal was to understand it, then make it so simple that anybody could
use it.

As late as 1963, when each big computer still had its own unique
master language, Grace decided that they should all be programmed
to speak the same way. She envisioned a day when computers
would be more powerful than Harvard Mark I, yet small enough to
sit on a desk and be used in offices, schools and homes by
people as young as 9 and as old as 90! At 79 she retired from
the Navy with the rank of Rear Admiral. But more important, she
lived to help make her dream of personal computers come true!

Listen: ".your old men [and women] will dream dreams, your young men
[and women] will see visions" (Joel 2:28 NIV). God is a "creator."
The creative idea within you came from Him. So, believe in it.
Nurture it. Step out in faith and fulfil it!

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