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Word for Today, Mon, 07 Apr 2003: Walking on Water or Lazy?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Life is filled with choices, and God, in His infinite wisdom,
coupled with mercy and grace, has given us the opportunity to
make our own choices. While there are benefits or consequences
for our every action and choice, God has also made provision for
us when we fall short. He is very slow to anger, quick to
forgive, abounding in love. Not only that, but He personally
provides full payment for our sinful ways, our shortcomings - in
the person of Jesus Christ.

Today's message is about consciously making choices that defy our
own common sense or at least what we're comfortable with, and
instead, stepping well out of our comfort zones and into the
places where God wants to send us. Without a doubt, those won't
be the safest, most secure places, at least not in the visible
short term, but they are places where God's power is most fully
and clearly seen - when it's obvious that we can't make it on our

Have you ever been in such a place? I've been there quite a bit
lately. I had a great career as a software engineer. Then one
day, it abruptly ended, and I simply haven't had much success
getting back into it, at least not in full time work.

An amazing thing has happened, however. Every time things seem
about to come unglued completely, God's grace is there. I've got
plenty of problems to deal with, most of which are of my own
making, that's to be sure. Yet, even so, God has been good.
There has been food on the table, a home to live in, friends to
encourage all of us, and even many opportunities to minister to

I don't see my prayers and my actions as a way to demand that God
somehow change my circumstances, I see prayers as a way to change
my own heart. Then again, there are those special moments in
which things happen that true worshipers can say, "That can only
be God's hand!" I've had my share of those experiences, so I can
only exclaim that I'm forever grateful to my LORD for all that
He's done and all that He continues to do in my life and in the
lives of people everywhere.

Are you able to thank God for where you're at, right now? If
not, perhaps it's time to get out of the boat and go where God
wants you to be today.

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you so much for securing our eternal salvation, so that we
may praise You forever, the original intended object of our
affections, the One who made us, sustains us, loved us enough to
become a created being and to pay for our misdeeds. I give You
my full love and devotion today, for You alone are worthy of it.
Because of You, my conscience is clear.

Your Brother in Christ,

08 Apr 2003

Water-walkers - part 3


Why is the world's best-selling chair a La-Z-Boy? Because we're
addicted to comfort! In fact Karl Barth says, 'Comfort is one of
our greatest siren calls.' Are you familiar with the term 'couch
potato?' Well, the disciples who stayed on board out of fear
were 'boat potatoes'! They enjoyed watching in comfort without
actually doing anything! Sound familiar?

Now before you judge them too harshly, have you considered that
you might be a 'pew potato'? That's somebody who goes to church
for comfort and a little spirituality, but won't take the risks
and challenges involved in actually following Jesus.

Risk and comfort are both habits that become part of your daily
life. Each time you risk leaving the boat, it means you're more
likely to do it again. Sure you'll experience fear, but each
time you step out on the water without drowning, you realise
that fear no longer has the power to destroy you. On the other
hand, each time you resist God's voice and choose to stay in the
boat, His voice becomes a little quieter, until eventually you
don't hear it at all. Wouldn't it be worth any risk to avoid
that, the greatest loss of all?

Today, God's looking for disciples who are ready to leave the
boat. People who are willing to say, 'Lord, I may be small
potatoes - but this spud's for you!' So how about it? Are you
going to play it safe, or are you ready for a water-walking
adventure with the Lord? If you are, you'll never regret it.

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Brian Masinick,
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