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Word for Today, Mon, 08 Dec 2002: Shall I Resist?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This week, as we continue to prepare our hearts for the season
(Advent, a time of preparation to receive Christ), I'd like to
include a message from Neil Anderson that discusses dealing with
the sins that we tend to repeat..

I am grateful that God is a loving and forgiving God, even
willing to forgive 7 times 70 times, if that's what it takes, but
at the same time I never want to take such a gracious God for
granted and deliberately continue to do the things that I know
are clearly wrong. To me, to do so is just like mocking Christ,
putting a nail in His hands or feet, or whipping and torturing
Him, (all the wrongful things that happened to Jesus Christ when
He took my place and yours at the Cross).

So I read my Bible, attend church, hold myself accountable to
others, ask God to forgive me for the wrong things I do, and try
to keep a short account. I still err and do things wrong, but I
try to keep those really nasty sins in check. I've sure done my
share of wrong, and I don't need to continue in them or remain
burdened down by them, nor do I need to be a filthy example to

To me, reading the Bible is a way to gain a better understanding
of the nature of God and the purpose God intends for His people.
The Bible shows us, historically, that people are inclined to go
their own ways, do their own things, and ultimately get into a
lot of trouble. The Bible shows us that there are consequences
for our choices and actions, yet at the same time, there is the
opportunity for turning away from past deeds, no matter how
awful they may be (repentance), and forgiveness of sins. Those
are wonderful truths we can be thankful for!

Your Brother in Christ, Brian


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from Freedom in Christ Ministries

December 8


My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may
not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2:1).

People who are caught in the sin-confess-sin-confess-sin-confess
cycle eventually begin to lose hope that they can experience any
real victory over sin. Sheer willpower can't keep them from
repeating the sin they just confessed, and Satan pours on the
condemnation. Self-control seems like an illusion, and the
Christian life is one of unending ups and downs.

Suppose there is a door you are commanded not to open. On the
other side of the door is a dog that keeps insisting, "Come on,
let me in. Everybody is doing it. You deserve to have a little
fun. Who will know? You can get away with it." So you open the
door and the dog roars in and bits you on the leg. Ironically,
the dog instantly changes its story: "You opened the door. I have
a right to be here. You'll never get away with this!" If such a
thing happened, would you beat on the dog or on yourself?

Sin which is allowed to reign is like the dog that bits you on
the leg and won't let go. Not realizing there is a dog, you beat
on yourself for leaving the door open and cry out to God for
forgiveness. He forgives you, but the dog is still there. Why not
cry out to God and beat on the dog instead of yourself? James 4:7
tells us, "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will
flee from you." We are correct in confessing our sin, but we have
failed to follow the complete biblical formula which breaks the
cycle: sin-confess-resist. We must first assume our
responsibility for opening the door, then we must resist Satan
and command him to leave if we are going to experience victory
over sin.

We live as though God and a sick humanity are the only realities
in the spiritual realm. We must turn to our righteous Advocate (1
John 2:1) and resist our perverted adversary if we are to
experience victory and freedom over temptation and sin.

Lord, show me where I have opened the door of my life to sin that
I may confess it to You and command Satan to leave in Your
precious name.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at
< >.

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