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Word for Today, Mon, 09 Oct 2000: Encourage one another - even use WORDS if you have to!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I'm not sure about you, but today (Monday) I have "had the day off"?
I say that with a question mark because, though I did not work at
my place of employment, I was "on the job" today with my family.
They are the ones who mean the most to me, but that does not mean,
by any means, that life is easy. Sometimes it is good, sometimes
very good, and other times, it is a challenge just to remember
that my family means so much to me. The urgency and vibrancy
of young children (wonderful as they are) can also test a parent's
patience to the utmost.

That is why, more than ever before, I truly and personally value
the wonderful love of God. He is incredibly patient with me,
urgent and vibrant child that I have been. I really appreciate that,
more than you can imagine. Perhaps though, you have your own
intense response to the love of God. I pray that whatever that means
to you, personally, it is a personal thing. God is a personal God.
For one thing, though He is Spirit, He is definitely a person. He even
brought His own body to live among people for a while. That body
was named Jesus Christ. In Jesus, the full love of God became
known to us, and the Bible reminds us of its fullness.

I appreciate other people because God has taught me how to
appreciate Him first, His completely selfless nature, and how
to selflessly give of myself, even when I am tired and do not
feel like doing so. I need His constant guidance and encouragement.
With it, I am empowered to share His selfless ways, and encourage
others in the things I say and do.

Larry Davies spends a lot of effort on his online prayer ministry.
Today, he shares a message of encouragement with his prayer
partners. Though not the widely published edition of his weekly
"Sowing Seeds of Faith", I thought this is a message worth sharing.

You are certainly welcome to join with Larry's prayer team in
prayer for the needs mentioned at the end of his message.
I want you to know that I think a lot about what I write in these
messages to you. I spend a lot of time praying about them, and
it my heart's desire that each of you find them to be an encouragement,
and that in being encouraged, by God's grace, you find a way
to encourage the people around you.

Share some sacrificial encouragement around you. Start within
your own families. I have noticed something about it --- could it
be? It seems to be quite contageous!

Brother Brian

--- Sowing Seeds Ministry <> wrote:
> From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayers from around the world... 10/9/00
> Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 13:44:32 -0700
> Wow! What great advice in today's Live It. I hope you find this as inspiring
> as I did. God's blessings. Larry
> L I V E I T
> Today's best advice from Christian books.
> It's amazing what a difference a few choice words make to a life.
> How good is a timely word! (Prov. 15:23)
> Here are some small - but important - things you can do with your
> words:
> 1 Become a missionary of encouragement. As you go about your
> day, focus on individuals. Make the most of every contact
> with every person every day. Someone's lifetime opportunity
> may be perched on the tip of your tongue.
> 2 Cultivate relationships with young people. Challenge them to
> be the best they can be for God. Look into their lives and
> comment on the goodness you see there. Affirm their unique
> and God-planned place in history.
> 3 Meet people where they are. Scriptures show us that Christ's
> favorite hangouts were common places where people are freest
> to be themselves and express their hearts.
> 4 Revel in the rhythm of ordinary things. Embrace the days of
> bite-size beginnings, tedious tasks, and mandatory meetings.
> Your words at such times will speak volumes about the quality
> of life. Let God use you in these common situations.
> 5 Pray about the counsel you give. As much as possible, base
> your advice on the Bible. Save corrective counsel for
> situations in which you've earned the right to speak or have
> a measure of authority. The advice you offer could affect
> someone's marriage or career.
> 6 Agree to give a friend advice, but have him or her check
> first with God. Help a new Christian learn to hear God or to
> use a concordance.
> 7 When you pray, keep your Bible open. Ask God to speak to you
> through a Scripture or write down an impression you get. In
> serious matters, ask God for several confirmations and listen
> for the sound of peace reigning in your heart.
> 8 Acquire a passion for great books. Give books as gifts. Tell
> people about the books that inspire you, especially ones that
> fan your flame for God.
> 9 Write a note to someone who is struggling. Recount for him
> or her God's faithfulness and review His power. Give him or
> her a story from your own life.
> 10 Read Scripture aloud or over the phone to someone who has
> been given bad news. God is the message. You are simply the
> messenger. Avoid speaking your own mind, but seek God's will
> in every situation, acting as His spokesperson at a moment's
> notice.
> 11 Determine never to leave church without praying for someone
> else's need. Keep your prayer list in a place that will
> encourage frequent prayers - on the bathroom mirror, the
> dashboard of your car, or above your kitchen sink.
> -----------
> Caron Loveless is a writer, pastor's wife, speaker,
> worship leader, and director of Creative
> Communications for Discovery Church. She is the
> author of Hugs from Heaven: Embraced by the Savior
> and co-author of Hugs for Friends, Hugs for Teachers,
> God Things Come in Small Packages, God Things Come in
> Small Packages for Moms, and Taking Your Church off
> Pause. Caron and her husband, David, their three sons
> and a daughter-in-law serve in various leadership
> capacities at Discovery Church in Orlando, Fla.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Euzbio Fontes Pereira
> Address: Brazil
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I've been a christian for long time, since I got fired at the job
> in 1994 I been unemployed and the past 5 years I don't have a job. Between
> 1995-1997 I became an unsuccessful business man and I quit being
> indenpendent. I don't see prosperity for many years and an light to solve
> my debts. I've good health but no wealth neither to continue a life growth.
> I'm not asking for money,maybe you have an prophetic word of wisdon to let
> go through a descent life path and do help my wife with expensives. Well, I
> am really desperate for a miracle in my life that must happen urgent because
> I can't handle it any more mentally and so far.
> I believe in holy spirit so I've seen good things to happen in life 5 years
> ago then I still with God in the name of Jesus that something is about to
> come but I beg it to be sooner, I'm tired of my situation, every year are
> the same scene. Please, do a powerfull prayer to me so my life can go back
> in track on every aspect of my needs. God Bless you All.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name:
> Address:
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for Marianne Paris. She has lung cancer and is
> starting chemo. Thanks
> ----------------------------------------------
> There were several prayers that I could not pass on specifics but here are
> some requests.
> Two requests for prayer during marital separation.
> One request for emotional problems.
> Three requests for surgery.
> Thank you and God bless. Larry

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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