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Word for Today, Mon, 10 May 2004: Acts of Kindness

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 10 May 2004: Acts of Kindness

Dear friends,

Larry Davies always has a creative way of attracting our
attention to discuss worthwhile topics. To me, spreading the
love of Jesus Christ to everyone is a worthwhile thing to do.

I'd like to add a few comments, though, so that we don't take our
eyes off what's really important. I definitely agree that always
acting with kindness toward others is the right thing to do. I
also think that going beyond the usual to do acts of kindness
toward others is a good thing as well. But I'm always concerned
about how easily we lose focus on what we're doing - and why.

You see, I believe that God does, indeed, want us to act kindly
toward one another. God Himself is love. Everything about God
is consumed with our very best - and also to accomplish God's
purpose. I believe that God wants to draw all people to Himself
- for more than one reason. The biggest reason is that God wants
a relationship - a personal relationship - with each one of us.

Now when we begin to get a grip on just how much God loves us
and we begin to return that loving adoration to God, we see that
God loves people more than anything (so when you hear Point Of
Grace sing those words, they are true). Since God loves people,
it makes sense that God wants His people to be kind to one
another. In fact, not only is this true, there are plenty of
scripture verses to back this up, for example, 1 Thessalonians
5:1 1 - Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing, and 1 Thessalonians 5:15 - Make
sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be
kind to each other and to everyone else. Or what about John
15:17 - This is my command: Love each other, and Romans 12:10 -
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another
above yourselves.

Given that evidence, it's not a big stretch at all that
demonstrating kindness is appropriate. But just so we don't
forget the appropriate motivation for our actions, let's look at
one final scripture before reading Larry's entertaining
message. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since we have
now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved
from God's wrath through him! 10 For if, when we were God's
enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son,
how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through
his life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God
through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received
reconciliation. (Romans 5:8-11, NIV).

Isn't it great to be loved and accepted?

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

-----Original Message-----
From: Lena Crawford []
I have been reading this for a long time and read where a lady
sent dolls to people. Well, I make hats for children, and send
them to Oklahoma City to give to those who need them, only I am
72 and live on a fixed income. The Lord always furnished yarn so
if anyone wants to send yarn I would appreciate it. L. Crawford,
10624 Platinum Rd, New Bloomfield Mo 65063-1682 wrote: This is the Word from the doctor
as of today. They are baffled! "We can't find anything." But to
make sure they sent off to Duke University to recheck if they
missed anything. God has performed a miracle. They found no lung
cancer and no lymphoma. They have no idea why my lungs were full
of enlarged lymph nodes. They are having a clinic and the doctor
said I would be one of the cases they will discuss. After two
surgeries and still the same outcome, I know they did not miss
anything. It is the power of a supernatural God! Ps. 118:17
"Thou shalt not die, but live, and declare the works of the
Lord." This is the scripture I have been standing on since the
doctors gave me the bad news. To God be the glory for the great
things He has done and is still doing. Hallelujah!

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"Acts of Kindness: The Best Kind of Witness" Larry Davies

Many years ago, on the way back to college my old car overheated
and refused to go any further. It was Sunday and everything was
closed. I was stranded, hungry and broke. At a nearby house, an
elderly couple graciously invited me inside; listened to my
hardship story, fed me a delicious dinner and even helped fix
the car. A simple act of kindness and love had a lasting impact
on me.

The Bible certainly supports acts of kindness. For example:

+ "A believer... was always doing kind things for others and
helping the poor." (Acts 9:36)

+ (Jesus) "If you are kind only to your friends, how are you
different?" (Matthew 5:48)

+ "What's the use of saying you have faith, if you don't prove
it by actions?" (James 2:14)

In other words, acts of kindness tell the world what kind of
people we really are. Would you like another example? Think
about the two or three people who deeply influenced your life in
a positive way. Why do you remember them? Was it something they
said? Probably not! More than likely it was their attitude of
kindness or generosity toward you? Acts of kindness work

For years Steve Sjogren successfully used a simple approach
called "servant evangelism" that allows anyone to share God's
love. He offers in his book, "101 Ways to Reach Your Community,"
simple and effective ideas a small group can use to demonstrate
the love of God toward others. When people see the love of God
in action, they want to know more. Here are my ten favorites:

1. Soft Drink or Bottled Water Giveaway - On a hot afternoon
there is nothing like a cold drink to soothe people's thirst. A
Diet Coke may not be exactly what Jesus had in mind when he
spoke of giving away a cup of cold water (Mat. 10:42) but at
least it's cold.

2. Gasoline Buy-Down - This could create a traffic jam. Ask a
station manager to lower the price of gasoline (usually an hour
or two) by 25 or 30 cents. Then you pay the difference.

3. Assorted Giveaways - Everyone likes something for free,
especially if it can be eaten: chewing gum, taffy, life savers.
Packaged is better than homemade because of the times.

4. Dollar Tipping Restaurant Servers - Church people have a
reputation for being lousy tippers so this helps to change
attitudes. Bring a pile of one-dollar bills and hand one to each
server who walks by saying, "I'll bet you haven't been tipped
enough lately."

5. Twenty Dollar Challenge - If you're starting from scratch,
you might try this: Everyone in your group agrees to do some
sort of "act of kindness" and invest twenty dollars. To make it
more fun offer prizes for, "Most Daring" or "Most Creative

6. Newspaper Giveaway - Buy newspapers directly from the
publisher in bulk and put a sticker on them. Deliver them to
every house that does not already receive one.

7. Stamp Giveaway in front of Post Office - Ask for permission
to set up a table by the front door of the post office and then
ask everyone as they pass by, "Do they need one stamp or two?"
This is especially popular at Christmas or on Tax Day.

8. Grocery Bag Packing & Escort Service - Ask the store manager
if your team can help shoppers bag their groceries and escort
them to the car. Each team member can wear a vest that says,
"Kindness in Progress." Be sure to explain to each customer who
you are.

9. Totally Free Car Wash - Most expect a catch and plan to give
a donation. Don't accept. It will blow their minds. Explain what
you are doing. Even provide lawn chairs to watch.

10. Appreciation Parties for Police Officers, Fire Fighters,
Nurses, Etc. - These folks are often underappreciated so
anything would be a wonderful treat. Do it up right and come to
the station or hospital with food and festive table stuff. Our
way of saying, "Thank you!"

With every act of kindness give a card with your name and this:
"We hope this gift brightens your day. It's our way of saying
God loves you - no strings attached. Let us know if we can do

Do you have other suggestions for possible, "Acts of Kindness?"
Why don't you write me and help us all touch even more lives in
the name of Christ. Jesus said: "And if you give even a cup of
cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely
be rewarded." (Matt. 10:42) Will you accept the "Acts of
Kindness" challenge today? I'm getting excited already... aren't

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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