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Word for Today, Mon, 11 Sep 2000: What Does God Require?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

For a couple of years now, I have been writing messages during
the week that I have entitled "Word for Today". Well, I don't
have a copyright on that name, nor do I share for any reason
other than to encourage others, but I have come across others who
have used that same phrase. Ron Hutchcraft was the first one I
noticed who also uses "Word for Today" but I just came across
another author (from across the ocean) who also writes "Word for

Since we are of like mind and spirit, today I would like to share
a message from Bob Gass, who writes from one of my favorite Old
Testament passages. I like the passage from Micah because it
quickly, simply, and directly, without a lot of words or fancy
theology, explains what our wonderful God expects from us. The
translation I usually read (New International Version - NIV)
tells us to "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your
God". I like Bob's translation - do what is right, for starters.

I suspect if Eugene Peterson (author of "The Message") wrote on
this passage, he might say something like: "Do what's right, love
the things that demonstrate a forgiving, merciful attitude, and
act humbly in your relationship with God". Well, since Peterson
either hasn't written an Old Testament paraphrase yet, or I
haven't seen it, you have my initial thoughts on this.

Bob Gass has more to say in his "Word for Today". Have a
wonderful week!

Brother Brian

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Monday 11th September 2000

Keep it simple:

Listen to these words: "With what shall I come to the LORD? ...
Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings... thousands of rams...
rivers of oil? Shall I present my first-born... for the sin
of my soul?" (Mic 6:6-7 NAS).

Do you sometimes feel as if you can never live up to church
standards or please God? How does religion look to you? Like a
long, drawn-out series of deeply painful acts, designed to
appease Someone Who takes delight in watching you squirm?

Thank God for Micah who comes along and tells us to 'keep it
simple'. Listen: 'What would please the Lord?'(Mic 6:7 NLT).
Then he gives us three answers:

(1) "To do right!" That means even when nobody else is doing it.

Why? Because you want to maintain your confidence before God
(1Jn 3:21-22). Nothing is more important in your life than

(2) "To love mercy!" Do you remember the song, "These boots were
made for walkin' and that's just what they'll do. One of these
days these boots are gonna walk all over you"? Good song,
terrible theology!

Jesus went through life lifting people, not walking on them, and
His Word to you today is, "Go and do thou likewise" (Lk 10:37).

(3) To walk humbly with your God! When God promotes
you, your greatest challenge will always be to make sure He gets
all the glory. The truth is, you don't have a thing that He
didn't give to you and that will never change (Deut 8:17-18).
Think it over!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2000 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from
UCB, PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION As a gift to the body of Christ, permission
is given to churches and Christian organisations to copy up to a
maximum of 52 daily excerpts per year. Such excerpts must
acknowledge: The Word for Today as the source, give the UCB
address and inform that free issues of the daily devotional are

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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