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Word for Today, Mon, 12 Mar 2001: What's It Like On The Other Side?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The advice in the following column is excellent. How I wish I
had always heeded this kind of advice in my life! The good news
is that it is not too late to return. The Good Shepherd (Jesus
Christ) longs for the return of even one lost sheep (you and me),
and rejoices to be in an intimate relationship with us.

Have you ever realized that each of us is different, and each of
us can appreciate God in a different way? Do you think that God
appreciates the unique ways that we recognize, appreciate, and
worship Him? I think so, and that is why He created each one of
us, unique and special.

Therefore, let us put off the things that have hindered us from a
really full relationship with Him. Are you busy? So am I, but
not too busy to remember my Lord. Are you prone to sin, to make
mistakes, intentionally or accidentally? So am I. The love of
my Lord is sufficient to completely blot out all of my
shortcomings, every sin. That's true for you, too. Do you think
you have failed God in some manner too great to be forgiven? If
so, you underestimate the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. He
is able, more than able, to accomplish absolutely anything and
everything, and He is yearning for each one of us to come to Him.

So, once again, I urge you to seek God with all of your heart
today. He is patiently waiting. He wants to talk with you. Do
you have time right now?

Brother Brian

From: "ChristianNet" <>
To: Word For Today mailing list <>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 09:33:51 -0000
Subject: [WFT] Sun 11 Mar 01 - In between!

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Sunday 11th March 2001

In between!


MARK 4:35

To get from where you are to where you are going, you have to be
willing to be in between. It's hard to let go of what's familiar
and stand with your hands empty while you wait for God to fill
them; especially in these three areas:

1. Feelings. When you've been hurt, you can actually become
comfortable with feelings of anger and resentment. And when you
finally face them and decide to let them go, you can feel empty
for a time; this is normal.You're in-between pain and the peace
that comes from forgiving and accepting. Hang in there; it will

2. Relationships. When you let someone go (even a bad
relationship), it can be frightening, because now you're dealing
with a sense of loss. Please don't rush into another
relationship, half- dressed and ill-prepared. Wait. Talk to God.
You need this time to become whole so you can make healthier

3. Jobs, homes or goals. You've let go of the old; but you're not
sure yet whether you're ready to handle the new.

Listen, "...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the
morning" (Ps 30:5). Joy is on the way! But until it gets here,
you've got to hold steady and trust God to know what He's doing.

When Jesus said to His disciples, "Let us go over to the other
side," the lessons they learned and the miracles they experienced
in between changed them forever. And they'll change you, too!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from
UCB, PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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