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Word for Today, Mon, 13 Aug, 2001: What is Appropriate?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

In the 1 Corinthians 7 mailing list, (which comprises a large
percentage of the people to whom I send Word for Today), there
has been a good discussion, the first in a long time, that asks
questions about who we should associate with, and how we are to
treat others.

In order to adequately and correctly answer those questions, I
think we have to determine the situations and the kinds of
relationships that are appropriate, and those that are not.

Jesus Christ, the Lord of life, sinless Son of God, Author,
Creator, and example of everything right and true, provides the
perfect example of how we are to deal with one another. He never
sinned - ever - so either His example is right or our faith is a
complete farce. Of course, I hold to the position that His
example is right.

Therefore, what did Jesus do? How did He respond to those around

First, we know that He spent time every day, privately,
discussing the things around Him with His Father, God.

Second, He was willing to approach anyone and everyone with love
and compassion, yet distinctly separate being among people with
being LIKE them. His only example was God Himself.

Third, Jesus did have close companions - the twelve, and within
them, three more closely held confidants, (Peter, James, and
John), and within those three, the "disciple whom Jesus loved",

So Jesus started everything based on His relationship with God.
Those near to Him were those who shared His vision and passion
for sharing about the TRUE God, not the perverted version of what
others in that day were calling "religion". Yet, He never
avoided being around others, except at times when He needed rest
and renewal of His own personal relationship with God. His most
intimate relationships were with those who shared that common

The attached message indicates that we need to be around others
that also stretch us. Therein lies a balance. We need to firmly
establish a right relationship with God, and yet we also need to
be in the world, both to share with others, and to complete in us
the things that we lack.

I pray that each of us will establish a discernment for the
appropriate ways to deal in our relationships with others,
including those who do wrong, and are in need of the light and
truth of Christ.

Your Brother in Christ,

From: "ChristianNet" <>
Subject: [WFT] Sun 12 Aug 01 - Seize every opportunity to learn!

WORD FOR TODAY by Bob Gass - Sunday 12th August 2001

Seize every opportunity to learn!



Surround yourself with people who compliment you - not
duplicate you! If you're led by people whose insight is no
deeper than your own, how far will you get? Jesus said, "When
a blind man leads a blind man, they both end up in a ditch
(Mt 15:14 TM).

Limiting yourself to those who laugh only at the same jokes,
who vote only for the same party and share only the same
ideas, robs you of personal growth and leaves you living in a
secure but shrivelled world.

If you're going to progress to the next level, hang around
those who are already there or at least know how to get
there. Your development and in some cases your healing can
take place only when you cross paths with people who
challenge and stretch you.

"But what if they make fun of me? you ask. Only the arrogant
do that! The wise respond to seekers, for they themselves are
seekers. Risk asking. Refuse to allow anybody to keep you
stuck in a world of ignorance.

"But what if I don't measure up? you ask. If you don't stand
near a measure, you won't know how much you need to grow - or
how much you've already grown. Having less information
doesn't make you a lesser person. Life's a school and every
new acquaintance is a teacher. Whatever others know, they
haven't always known.

The greatest indictment against not knowing is - not
learning. So, today, seize every opportunity to learn!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

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