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Word for Today, Mon, 14 Aug 2000: Weekly Verses

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here are a set of scripture passages to look at with accompanying thoughts
and prayers. You might want to save them if you're looking for some short
devotionals to use.

--- "" <> wrote:
> Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 07:22:15 -0400
> Subject: Weekly Verses from
> To: <>
> From: <>
> Weekly Verses
> from
> 8/14/00
> These verses are taken from TODAY'S VERSE, by Phil Ware
> < >
> We hope they're a blessing to your week!
> ~~~~~~~~~
> The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is
> our king; it is he who will save us.
> --Isaiah 33:22
> New International Version
> When we think about God being our judge, we normally think
> of falling into judgment. Isaiah reminds us that God being our
> judge means that he will be there to judge us based on his
> will, his rule and his grace. He is on our side and is looking
> to save, not condemn. Using the New Testament idiom, when we
> stand before our Judge we see instead our Father.
> Holy and Righteous Judge, I am glad that my fate, my future,
> and my life are in your hands. I know your love for me because
> of the gift of Jesus. I know your desire to save me because of
> your loving grace. I know your demand for holiness is met by
> the sacrifice of your Son. So God, I gladly and willingly
> trust my life, my soul, to you. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble
> with salvation.
> --Psalm 149:4
> New International Version
> Jesus, who left heaven and made himself a servant, did so to
> enable the last to be first, the servant to be greatest, and
> the least to be best. For ages, the arrogant, abusive and the
> powerful have found it easy to reject the call of Christ. But
> those who are humble find him to not only be Savior, but also
> Conqueror.
> Precious Servant, Almighty King, thank you for coming to our
> world and serving us at great cost and showing us that we can
> reign with you. I look forward to the day every other knee
> will join mine as I bow before you as my Lord. Until that day,
> I pray that you will use me to bless those so often forgotten
> by our busy and glamour-intoxicated world. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of
> them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head
> are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than
> many sparrows.
> --Luke 12:6-7
> New International Version
> In a universe so vast, what is our little planet? In a
> planet so diverse and so full of life, what are people? Among
> all the billions of people alive and who have lived and already
> died, what significance do I have? Jesus reminds us that our
> significance is great -- not because we are so important but
> because we are known personally by God. We don't have to be
> afraid, we are known and loved by the One who is and was and is
> to come!
> Eternal God, Almighty Father, Tender Shepherd, you already
> know my heart. You know where I struggle with sin, so please
> empower and forgive. You know my fears, so please encourage
> and strengthen. You know my immaturity, so please nurture and
> grow. You know my weakness and disease, so please comfort and
> heal. But even if none of these are answered, I am still awed
> by the fact that you choose to know me. Thank you! In Jesus
> name I pray. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great
> riches.
> --Psalm 119:14
> New International Version
> Our treasure and our truth come from Scripture, God's
> guidance to avoid Satan's harmful traps and live in God's
> blessed life.
> Holy God, thank you for your written word, the Scriptures.
> May they come alive in my life just as they do in my heart and
> mind. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help
> in trouble.
> --Psalm 46:1
> New International Version
> Where can we go when all the walls fall and all the armies
> crumble and all hope is lost? To the eternal God, who is
> our Father. He preserved Israel through the most difficult
> of times, protected the Bible from those who would eradicate
> it, and has led his Church through troubles and triumphs
> through the centuries. He will do the same with us until
> he brings us home to himself.
> My Rock, My Hope, and My Protector, I thank you for preserving
> my life. I thank you for hearing my cries for help and healing.
> I thank you for guiding my feet into ways that have been a
> blessing. Please, O God, stay close by as I face the stresses
> and challenges in my life. Through your Spirit, enable me to
> grow and be an example to others as I pass through life's
> storm. Through Jesus I ask it. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,
> who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not
> your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with
> your body.
> --1 Corinthians 6:19-20
> New International Version
> We are God's temple! He lives in us and what we do in our
> bodies is part of our worship to him. We are called to not
> only abstain from impurity, but we are called to glorify God in
> our bodies.
> Father, I confess to you that I sometimes lose sight of how
> precious my body is to you. With aging and the other
> challenges that daily remind me that my body is a vessel of
> decay, I find it hard to believe that I can glorify you with
> it. Please, through your indwelling Spirit, quicken in me a
> deeper reverence and appreciation of your presence in me.
> Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good
> works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
> --Ephesians 2:10
> New International Version
> The Psalmist reminded us that we are fearfully and
> wonderfully made and God has something definite planned for us
> to do while we are here. We display his craftsmanship and
> skill when we intentionally live for him and not like the rest
> of the world.
> Master, teach me to recognize your opportunities and will
> when they come into my life. I want to live for you without
> reservation. I pray for boldness to not be shy in sharing my
> faith. I pray for patience as I wait for folks to respond. I
> pray for protection on those close to coming to Christ. I pray
> not for me but for your Kingdom to be displayed in my life.
> Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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