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Word for Today, Mon, 14 Jun 2004: What's Wrong?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 14 Jun 2004: What's Wrong?
Dear friends,

Here is a message from Larry Davies, who, in turn, shares with us
a story from the well known Chuck Swindol. Sometimes we can't
see what's wrong in our own lives, we have to see it first in
someone else. Perhaps this message will help us see what's
wrong, then we can take a peek. Maybe, just maybe, this story
can be applied to you and me.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

I will be out of town most of next week, so your devotion comes
early... today. I hope you enjoy the message. It was
originally written several years ago but I still ask myself and
our church that all important question made popular by a
Wendy's commercial... Do you remember the little old
lady at the counter holding two huge buns with virtually nothing
on them and asking: "Where's the beef?"

Below our devotion: You will find two examples of prayer
requests received on our website this week. Please feel free to

** Warning ** Our website never sends emails with file
attachments to open. A common lure is to use a website name and
ask you to open a file. Please know any such messages are not
from our ministry. Do not under any circumstances open that
file. God bless. Larry Davies of Sowing Seeds Ministry

"What's Wrong with my Parrot?"
Larry Davies

Chuck Swindol wrote about a lonely lady who went to the pet
store to buy a parrot for companionship. She was assured that
once the bird began to feel at home, she would have a friend for
years. A week later she returned to complain that her bird was
not talking. "Did you buy a mirror?" asked the owner.
"When parrots look at themselves, words flow." Hoping
that would help she bought a mirror.

A few days later, she returned and complained that her precious
bird still hadn't uttered a peep. "Well, did you get a ladder?
Parrots love to climb and need to feel comfortable." She bought
a ladder. The end of the next week, she returned grim and
disappointed: Same complaint - no parrot talk. "Well, have
you bought a swing?" She attached a swing.

Three days later she came storming in, slammed the door of the
shop and demanded to speak to the owner. "He died this
afternoon!" she blurted out.

"Died! Died? Did he ever talk?" asked the owner.

"Yes," she responded. "He said just a few words as he breathed
his last. 'Don't they sell any food at that store?'"

Swindol added, "We live in a day of religious mirrors, ladders
and swings, where the majority of hungry souls are given empty
promises and sold a bill of goods. There are lots of trinkets
and gimmicks but no food... no solid substance to sustain life."
It's like the once-famous commercial featuring a sweet little
old lady standing at a fast food counter holding two buns and
asking: "Where's the beef?"

As the summer begins it may be time to ask of your own spiritual
life: "Where's the beef?"

The Bible says it even better: "How sweet are your words to my
taste; they are sweeter than honey. Your commandments give me
understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your
word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path." (Psalm 119:
103-105) Look at the promises:

1. How sweet are your words... God's Word offers hope and

2. They are sweeter than honey... God's Word adds purpose and
importance to our lives.

3. Your commandments give me understanding... God's word teaches
right from wrong.

4. I hate every false way... God's Word gives you the desire to
do what is right.

5. Your word is a lamp for my feet... God's Word provides a
sense of direction.

6. A light for my path... God's Word is a source of
encouragement during tough times.

Recently, I had the honor of attending a Bible study graduation
for a group of high school students. The best part was watching
each one stand up and participate in the service. You could feel
their excitement. Over the past nine months these young people
met every Wednesday evening and together they studied nearly
eighty per cent of the Bible. Isn't that amazing? Seeing their
enthusiasm and energy inspired me to renew my own commitment as
a pastor and writer. What about you?

* Have you fed the "parrot?" What are you doing to strengthen
your spiritual life? When is the last time you participated in a
good Bible study?

* "Where is the beef?" Is your spiritual life challenging? Does
your church strive to teach God's Word? How can you help? Do you
have a disciplined prayer life?

* Are you sharing your food? Are you involved with a local
church? Do you serve a ministry that is reaching out to the
community? If someone had a problem, would they come to you?

Somewhere... maybe just down the street, there is a heavenly
"store" waiting to serve you. You will find a few mirrors. They
may offer you a ladder or a swing but you don't notice those
right away because they are off to the side. What you
immediately discover is the main aisle. Like a magnet, you are
drawn to the bright lights and colorful displays but once you
enter you can't help but notice the mouth-watering variety of
delicious food: appetizers, vegetables, grains and yes: "beef...
lots of beef."


Name: Meg, Address: Ohio, Email:
Comments: I have recently lost my job, my mom has terminal lung
cancer and why should I continue to bother even living.

Name: Cheyenne, Address: Johnstown, PA, Email:
Comments: Please pray for me that I may be strong. I am a drug
addict who quit using cocaine almost five years ago, cigarettes
a month ago. However, I am still addicted to certain
I want to stop using this, but somehow it hasn't happened yet.
I pray constantly to God but still can't shake it. What am I
doing wrong? Doesn't he hear me? Has he turned away from me?
Sometimes I feel the latter. Help!

Today, Sowing Seeds Ministry has over 9,000 prayer partners who
regularly give their time to pray for the hundreds of prayer
requests that come through our website. You can ask for prayer
for yourself or someone else by simply clicking here:

Sowing Seeds Ministry is making a difference around the world.
We continue to need your help. Become one of 9,000 prayer
partners: and/or
become a financial partner: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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