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Word for Today, Mon, 16 Apr 2001: Putting On The Right Clothes

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Every time I find a helpful devotional from the online edition of
Guideposts, I think back to "the days of my youth" (ha!) when I
would sit down in the living room and read, often with interest,
the articles contained in that small (what is it, 4x6?) issue of
Guideposts that was always in our magazine racks.

Some of the stories were interesting, a few were captivating, but
they usually told a story about how someone's life was changed
because of Jesus Christ.

As we pass by Easter, it is worth reflecting on what the
scripture says, and what this pastor observed as he looked out
around him at an Easter church service. Yeah, there was a lot of
good singing and praises. There were probably a lot of "pretty"
outfits out there (I know my wife and my daughter looked
beautiful, and my boys were neat, clean, and very cute).

But the celebration of Easter is far more than that - happy
times, fancy clothes, and celebrations. In fact, if that is what
we come to expect, we completely miss the real event that

Let's read on and look at what Ken Chafin has to say about it. I
think he raises some important points. I encourage you to think
about how this message applies to your own situation, and to
those around you.

Brother Brian

P.S. By the way, I used the same title a few weeks ago --- putting on the right
clothes... here is another "spin" to that story...

A LifeMinders Partner

April 16, 2001 Daily Devotional

And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us,
while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the
scriptures? Luke 24:32

The minister of music had opened the service with a choir and
orchestra rendition of the spiritual "The Angels Rolled the
Stone Away," and everyone had joined in on the hallelujahs.
After the invocation the congregation sang the stirring hymn
"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today." The sanctuary was filled with
a sense of the presence of the living Christ.

But during a quiet interlude following the offering, I looked
into the faces of the people gathered for worship and realized
that a number of them werent getting into the spirit of the
service. They were preoccupied with some very heavy loads they
were carrying. As their pastor, I knew what most of those loads
were, and my heart ached for them.

I have the same feeling each time I read Lukes account of the
two disciples from the village of Emmaus who were trudging home
after Jesus death with "their faces downcast." Though they had
heard of the womens report, they had the same response as the
apostlesit all seemed nonsense. As they walked and talked, Jesus
joined them and asked what they were discussing. They were so
involved in their own grief that they didnt recognize Him. They
thought He didnt know what had happened, so they opened their
hearts to Him. When they arrived at their village, they asked Him
to share a meal with them, and that experience changed their

To know the true joy of Easter, I must meet the living Christ in
places other than church and on days other than Sunday. I may
feel His presence in a thoughtful note when Im blue or in the
counsel of a wise friend when I need help in making a hard
decision. But Easter wont really come for me until I know that
every day, in all my comings and goings, the Christ of Easter is
present in my life.

Lord, help me to be able to celebrate Easters victory in all of
my life.

By Kenneth Chafin

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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