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Word for Today, Mon, 16, Jun 2003: Weekly Verses

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message contains the collection of Weekly Verses from
Phil Ware, which include a verse of scripture for each day of the
week, a brief thought about each verse, and a short prayer.
These collections can be used all together to get a series of
cohesive thoughts about the Word of God, or they can be used as a
brief, thought provoking scripture passage for each day.

I generally use them as a single resource rather than something
for each day of the week, but I have, on occasion, referred back
to them during the week.

I merely make various resources available to you to assist you as
you think about your own personal relationship with the Lord. At
no time are either Phil's messages, my messages, or any other
messages, ever intended as a replacement for a personal
relationship with the Lord, they are simply tools and resources
to possibly aid or direct your studies.

Dear Lord,

As I begin this week, may I first begin it by reminding myself
just how much I really love You, Lord. May everything I think,
say, or do this week take into account the way I truly feel
toward You. Help me when I fall short, pick me up when I fall
down, strengthen me when I'm weak, be my source of love and the
primary object of my attention. How I long to be with You,
Lord. Will You help me through this day and this week? I sure
need You, both in the good times I share from You and the
difficult times where I especially call upon You. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

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Weekly Verses

June 16, 2003

These verses are taken from Heartlight Daily Verse, by Phil Ware


Jesus said, "Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads
to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the
gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few
find it.

--Matthew 7:13-14
New International Version

The world wants a Savior but not a Lord. The New Testament
is clear, a Savior who is not Lord is no Savior and no friend.
If the Old Testament showed us anything, it is that God's
seemingly bizarre laws were written not for his fascination but
for his people's preservation. Let's not only call Jesus Lord
this week, let's live in a way that shows that he controls our
lives and his Spirit produces our character.

Most Holy Lord, please take control of my life and my will
so I may be wholly yours, not just in word, but in thought and
in deed as well. Amen.


Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may
have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
--Colossians 3:13
New International Version

How can I not forgive a brother for whom Christ died, when
I know what God paid to forgive me?

Holy Father, I commit today to release any grudge or
bitterness that I have against one of your children. I am
sorry for not reflecting your grace and mercy which you
lavished on me. But Abba Father, I need the help of your Holy
Spirit to relinquish my claim on the wrongs committed against
me and to treat those who have hurt me as full siblings in your
family. Empower me as I commit to follow your example in
forgiving, even when it is hard. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.



Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the
nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
--Psalm 46:10
New International Version

History tells me it has been true! Faith trusts it will be
true eternally! Reverent silences, a pause in the hectic rush
of our lives, reminds us that it is true today.

O Father in heaven, may your name be revered and held holy
in my life and my world today. Your will be done, your reign
on earth come with power and might and finality, just as it has
already come in heaven. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the
work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night
after night they display knowledge.
--Psalm 19:1-2
New International Version

God's voice is always speaking. His witnesses give
testimony to his glory, majesty and creative grace. The
universe shouts with joy because behind it's intricate beauty
and power is the One who gave it life, purpose, and intention.

O Great God and Creator of the countless heavens and our own
small, blue planet, thank you for noticing the heart cries of
one so small in a universe so large. I love you, admire you,
trust you, and worship you with wonder. Be exalted in my life,
by words, and my deeds this day. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.



If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts
to our children, how much more will your Father in heaven give
the Holy Spirit to those who ask for him.
--Luke 11:13
New International Version

Think of all the great gifts you've been given. Next to
Jesus, the gracious sacrifice for our salvation, the greatest
gift we can receive is God's abiding presence in the Holy
Spirit! He is ours if we ask. In fact, when we ask, he is
already there interceding for us!

Abba Father, through the precious Holy Spirit I come before
you asking you to empower me, my loved ones, and my church
through the power of the Holy Spirit. I pray for renewal to
sweep my country and this world led by your Spirit of grace,
power, and love. Through Jesus, the giver of this great gift I
pray. Amen.


Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior
from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.
--Philippians 3:20
New International Version

No matter what your passport says, if you are a Christian,
there is no earthly country that can hold you, no borders that
can claim you and no flag that flies above you but Jesus and
the Kingdom of Heaven. You have more in common with the
believing aboriginal tribesman of Indonesia, the Christian
refugee in Africa, or the Bedouin brother in Egypt, or the
high-rise business person in Hong Kong who bows to pray in
Jesus name, or the Spirit-filled Brazilian housewife, than you
do your next door neighbor if they don't know Christ as Lord
and Savior.

Glorious God and Almighty Father, I look forward to the day
when people from every language, tribe, nation, and language
join the angels and elders around your throne and worship you
in joy forever. Make us one, if not here, then soon, we ask
you Lord, please come. Amen.



The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise
son delights in him.
--Proverbs 23:24
New International Version

The greatest gift I can give my father, and my Father, is to
be righteous in my heart and life.

Holy and righteous Father, may my life please you and bring
honor to my father and his name. I know that if I please you,
it will make his heart glad. Help me as I seek to know you and
serve you in ways that show your character in my life. Through
Jesus I pray. Amen.

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