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Word for Today, Mon, 18 Apr 2005: Revenge Belongs to God

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 18 Apr 2005: Revenge Belongs to God

Dear friends,

This is a message from my friend Larry Davies. He challenges all
of us once again in today's message. You may be familiar with
some of the stories of old King Saul, his fiery temper, and his
threats on young David's life. (David was later to become King
David, the great king of Israel).

This message is about revenge, and the fact that only God has a
right to avenge wrong. That's a tough one. Are you ready for
this? Larry does a great job of setting it up for us.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

From: Muralitharan Sivakolunthu []
Dear Larry, I just wanted to say a big thank you to you and your
prayer partners around the world for their prayers and kind
words of encouragement. According to Romans 8:28 All things are
working for our good and HIS Glory and that is what is happening
in our lives. It is not easy to understand this initially when
everything seems to be working against us and Satan seems to be
winning - but PRAISE AND THANK GOD for turning things around for
our good and favor and building us up through tough and hard
times and giving us His victory according to His promise in His
word. He is helping us to be more than conquerors through
CHRIST who strengthens us and takes care of all our needs. I feel
more close to GOD than ever before and it is so peaceful and
wonderful. Thank you and GOD bless you always. Murali

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"David and Getting Even" Larry Davies

Tolstoy wrote about an honest and hardworking Russian peasant who
spent the night in a local inn. A man was killed and the
murderer placed the weapon in the bag of the sleeping peasant.
The police discovered it and put the hapless peasant in jail.
For twenty-six years the peasant survived the harsh conditions
of prison on the bitter hope that someday he would obtain

After twenty-six years the real murderer was placed in prison and
then caught attempting to escape. One prisoner saw everything:
the peasant. At long last the opportunity dreamed about since
that villainous night twenty-six years ago presented itself, for
on the peasant's word the murderer would be put to death. Here
was his big chance. If it were you... what would you do?

"Don't get mad... get even!" is our chanted mantra. Maybe an
employer treated you unfairly or a coworker climbed to the top
over your back. A spouse abandoned you. Your parents failed you.
You were "done wrong" as they say and now you are waiting for a
chance to retaliate. "Don't get mad... get even" is a reasonable
response in the face of gross unfairness, isn't it? No, it is

God calls it vengeance and has a lot to say about it. "Dear
friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God. For it is
written, "I will take vengeance;" (Romans 12:19) I don't like
God's emphasis on "never avenge." I would want to say...
usually. I would seek exceptions for extreme examples like our
Russian peasant, but not God. A good Biblical example would be

King Saul was insanely jealous of David's increasing popularity
and eventually stripped him of his job, his wife, his best
friend and his self-respect, finally forcing him to flee for
safety. For years not days, Saul pursued David looking to
exterminate him. But then..."Saul went into a cave to relieve
himself. But as it happened, David and his men were hiding in
that very cave!" (1 Samuel 24:3)

Again, if it were you... what would you do? "'Now's your
opportunity!' David's men whispered to him... Then David crept
forward and cut off a piece of Saul's robe." (4-5) Why did David
do that? Saul was trying to kill him. Why didn't David get even?
Instead, he crept close to Saul and performed the equivalent of
a teenage prank or practical joke. Even that small act of
defiance made David feel guilty. "The LORD knows I shouldn't
have done it," he said to his men." (6)

In the military, it is drilled into you: u2018salute the rank...
not the person.' Saul was anointed by God to be King. David was
duty bound to treat the King with respect and honor. David
wisely chose mercy and to confront Saul with truth. As he left
the cave, David appeared and held up a piece of his robe. "This
proves that I am not trying to harm you and that I have not
sinned against you, even though you have been hunting for me to
kill me. The LORD will decide between us. Perhaps the LORD will
punish you for what you are trying to do to me, but I will never
harm you." (11-12)

David's refusal to succumb to the temptation of "getting even"
was a turning point because he chose to do what was right by
repaying evil with good. "If your enemies are hungry, feed them.
If they are thirsty, give them something to drink... Don't let
evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good."
(Romans 12:20-21) David ultimately chose to place his faith in
God not revenge.

Speaking of turning points... the Russian peasant had his own
opportunity to "get even" with the man who ruined his life. But
instead of jumping at the chance, the story describes the
peasant as experiencing the overpowering grace and love of God.
The darkness that was within him was suddenly filled with light
and the peasant found himself saying to the officers: "I saw

That night the murderer approached the peasant and on his knees
begged for forgiveness. Again, the light of Christ flooded the
peasant's heart: "God will forgive you. Maybe I am a hundred
times worse." And at those words the peasant's heavy heart grew
light as he received God's comfort.

I don't know of any better witness to your faith in God than a
willingness to forgive someone who has grievously harmed you. Is
it easy? Never! Is it necessary and worthwhile? Absolutely! Your
willingness to forgive could be the principal turning point in
your life, your health and your faith.

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light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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Brian Masinick,
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