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Word for Today, Mon, 18 Sep 2000: What is love?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Looking around me (and within me) I think that one of
the universal things we all yearn for is to know
love, to be loved, and to be accepted. The Bible
talks about this often, and so does popular culture.

But are we really talking about the same thing?
Yes and no.

I do think that the hole missing within us comes
from a common place. But I think the approaches
we have to filling that hole vary considerably.

I can remember Leo Buscaglia. I know that he
became fairly well-known for his seminars and
classes about love. I suspect that some of
his ideas touched a chord with people.

For me personally, though, the defining statement
of what love is comes from God Himself. Many
people have difficulty describing just what love
is. But the Bible is quite clear about it. The
famous "love chapter", 1 Corinthians 13, describes
love very clearly. Yet it is not the only word
in the Bible about love. The Bible is full of
illustrations, examples, and descriptions of
what God's love is. (How about the famous one
that people put on signs, displaying it at football
games: John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that
He gave us His only Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Translations of that verse differ slightly, and
I have made my own wording above from a couple
different versions of the bible. For me, the key
is not to get hung up on individual words so much
as to get immersed in the idea of that love. Who
else has a love as pure as God does? I know that
I do not, though I desire it.

As I begin a new week, my mind is focused on thinking
about how God's love may impact my thought life, which
I believe permeates into the actions I take. My prayer
is that God's love will make a tangible difference in
my life today. May each of you have your own similar,
but personal, experiences with God's love this week.

Brother Brian

--- Karen Weber <> wrote:
> Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 21:20:00 -0700
> To:
> From: Karen Weber <>
> Subject: Christian Thought for the day
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> ~~~VISIT US~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The current issue of the Weekender is posted.
> In addition to all the quotes, you'll find a
> reading from Joseph Addison about the many
> virtues of being good natured.
> ~~~THE THOUGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Like any other living, growing thing, love
> requires effort to keep it healthy.
> Leo Buscaglia
> VERSE: It (love) always protects, always trusts,
> always hopes, always perseveres.
> 1 Corinthians 13:7
> PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for bringing
> people into my life who love me. Help me
> always to grow in the expression of love. Amen.
> ~~~KEYWORDS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> love relationships marriage divorce
> Want to find more quotes about these keywords?
> ~~~POSTCARDS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Today's Bible verse can be sent as a postcard at:
> Today's quote can be sent as a postcard at:
> ~~~AUTHOR AND SOURCE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Leo Buscaglia, who died in 1998, wrote many
> books on love. He also founded the Felice
> Foundation, which promotes dynamic community
> sharing and service.
> Today's quote is from Born for Love: Reflections
> on Loving by Leo F. Buscaglia
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> ~~~FREE STUFF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~RECOMMENDED READINGS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Love by Leo Buscaglia
> The Fall of Freddie the Leaf by Leo F. Buscaglia
> Living, Loving and Learning by Leo F. Buscaglia
> Loving Each Other: The Challenge of Human
> Relationships by Leo F. Buscaglia
> Personhood: The Art of Being Fully Human
> by Leo F. Buscaglia

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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