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Word for Today, Mon, 19 Jul 2004: Walking the Boundaries

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 19 Jul 2004: Walking the Boundaries
Dear friends,

As we begin a new week, let us once again look carefully and
creatively at our personal expression of faith. I enjoy sharing
the messages from Larry Davies because I know they come from
sound foundations, yet they always contain some kind of message
or story that is memorable so that we can remember it. Good
story tellers are like that. Perhaps we can't remember the point
of the story, but we remember the creative story, and that helps
us trace back in our minds the message behind the story.

In today's message, Larry shares about the practices of a local
church and emphasizes the ingredients of a successful church.
Notice that the key ingredients are prayer, Bible study, personal
involvement, caring for others, and everyone involved in
ministry. Aren't those the same things we discuss, over and over
again from every possible angle? I didn't make any of them up,
and neither did Larry. Those principles come straight from the
Word of God. Let's make sure we ground ourselves in the first
two items. Then as we serve one another and we get involved in
various activities, our motivation and reason for doing so comes
out of an understanding and a sense of gratitude to our Savior
for what He has done for us, and our ministry takes on life,
meaning, and purpose.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith... Please join us and pray for the three
requests below before reading, "Walk the Boundaries."

Name: Larry
Comments: I have a friend who is considering suicide and he is an
atheist. He has been hurt many times in his life and wants it
end. So could you pleas pray for him?

Name: Sumana, Address: India
Comments: I am concerned about my emotional weakness, lack of
confidence, lack of communication skills and low courage. This
make me feel very inferior in front of people, which is a
hindrance to my growth and success. Please pray for me to be
courageous, confident and have good communication skills and
emotional balance and strength.

Today, Sowing Seeds Ministry has over 9,000 prayer partners who
regularly give their time to pray for the hundreds of prayer
requests just like the ones above. You can ask for prayer for
yourself or someone else by simply clicking here:

Name: Anne Ferranti, Email:
Please pray for me. I will be attempting to undergo an MRI next
week for the second time. I am claustrophobic and couldn't go
through the machine successfully on Wednesday. The doctor has
prescribed Valium for me to take next time but I am worried I
will still be unable to complete the MRI. Please pray that the
medication will work and I will be at peace and unruffled by the
thought of going through the tunnel. Since the reason for the MRI
is that I am having problems with my lower back, my head will
probably be in the tunnel for 30 minutes to an hour. Please pray
that I will be able to relax and let the doctors do what is
needed to help me. Thank you.

Sowing Seeds Ministry is making a difference around the world but
need your help. Become one of our prayer partners: and/or become a
financial partner: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world.

"Walking the Boundaries" Larry Davies

There is an annual custom in Switzerland called "walking the
bound." Everyone in the village takes a ceremonial walk around
the boundaries so they can check the markers. Afterward there is
a celebration to express gratitude for the blessings handed down
to their community.

What a great idea! Check your boundaries, line up the markers
then have a celebration.

What are the boundaries of your church? How do you practice your
faith? If someone were to walk inside your church doors... what
would they discover? Does your church practice what it

One study of successful churches discovered five ingredients
common to all of them:

1. The central focus is on prayer.

2. A strong emphasis upon Bible study.

3. Consistent lay testimony and involvement.

4. There is concern for the needs of others.

5. All of the members are in ministry.

Paul once gave this advice to a young preacher named Timothy: "Do
not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives' tales.
Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual
fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual
exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both
this life and the next. This is true, and everyone should accept
it." (1Timothy 4:7-9)

According to Paul, every church should emphasize "training for
spiritual fitness." How is your church doing? Obviously, I
don't know the answer but I can tell you about the church I

We emphasize spiritual growth... Are you a new Christian looking
for answers? Are you looking for a Bible study, a support group
or prayer group? We offer a wide variety of opportunities
helping to strengthen your faith whether you are just beginning
your Christian walk or well along the way.

We seek to be in ministry... Are you involved in a ministry or
serving on a committee? Several years ago, we replaced our many
committees with four teams, each with an emphasis on ministry:

1. Witness includes evangelism and worship. Where ministry often

2. Nurture includes our schools, studies and age-level
ministries: Where faith is developed.

3. Outreach includes our missions. Where we reach out to those in

4. Administration keeps our church running smoothly. Where our
faith is maintained.

We promote spiritual leadership... Voting usually means somebody
wins and somebody loses. Spiritual leadership means helping
everyone listen to the voice of God. We strive to base our
decisions on consensus so everyone has the opportunity to

We offer encouragement... Good churches welcome new ideas from
the preacher or lay leadership. Great churches encourage
everyone to be involved and create a contagious enthusiasm. I
hope we foster an atmosphere of "spiritual boldness" believing if
we are doing God's will, anything is possible.

We specialize in comfort... Ships lost in stormy seas seek the
comforting light from the lighthouse to guide them to the safety
of the harbor. When visiting us you may notice lighthouses
everywhere to reflect our mission statement: "A Light to Guide
You Safely Home". We pray you will find comfort.

We include fun and fellowship... Every Thursday and Sunday night
we eat. There is always a celebration being planned. One
worship service was a beach party with a message on baseball.
Our summer program once included a Bible study, "Beverly
Hillbillies" style. We do know how to have fun.

Our church strives to be a place for spiritual growth, ministry
and leadership. We seek to offer an atmosphere of encouragement,
comfort, fun and fellowship. Well, we've walked the boundaries
and checked our borders together and hopefully discovered a lot
to be thankful for. Now... let's celebrate.

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join our
prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.


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