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Word for Today, Mon, 19 May 2003: Getting the Right Priorities

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today I'd like to share with you a message from Neil Anderson's
Daily in Christ devotional series. In this message, Neil writes
about seeking the appropriate identity and finding an
appropriate sense of worth, and making life decisions based on
those priorities. I can tell you that as a man, providing for my
family is always a conflict when it comes to making family
choices. On one hand, it is important to provide, yet no one job
or task exceeds the importance of paying attention to my wife and
children. For me, the pressures of once having a good job, and
my family being used to certain things, and now struggling to
simply maintain a home with the very basic things brings such
issues out even more clearly.

I can thank God, for though I struggle with such issues, I am
thankful that the issues are right out there in front of me.
Even in those times when I fail to respond in the most
appropriate manner, I'm still grateful that God clearly shows me
areas in my life that need work - and His touch, and I gladly
submit to Him, difficult as that can often be.

My friends, each of us is tempted by things that take us away
from the best that God has for us. I encourage each of you to
read the Bible every day. When you do, then you read messages
like this one, if the right answers don't immediately emerge,
they will, once you get the proper daily dose of God's Word,
thoughtful meditation - thinking about what you've read, then
prayer, conversing with God about how His Word affects the every
day events of your life.

Since today's message has a strong dose of family in it, why
don't you also read the passages in Ephesians. If you really
want to get into it, read all of chapters 5 and 6. If you only
have time for the digest version right now, read Ephesians 6,
verses 1 through 4, then come back later and read chapter 5, then
chapter 6. These passages complement what Neil has to say today
very well.

Your Brother in Christ,

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May 19


Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has
compassion on those who fear Him (Psalm 103:13).

If you seek your identity or sense of worth in the temporal
values of this world instead of in Christ, your family can
become a threat to your pursuits in the following three ways.

Appearance. What image is more appealing to a woman: a youthful,
athletic figure or the sometimes sagging frame of a responsible
mother? Say good-bye to the bikini with those stretch marks!
Mothers who are hooked on appearance may end up resenting their
children for robbing them of their girlish figures.

Performance. If you as a husband/father get your identity from
your work, your primary goal may be to climb the corporate
ladder. That means working some evenings and weekends to get
ahead. "I'd like to be at your Little League game, son," you
say, "but I can't. I'll make it up to you later." Only later may
be too late in some cases. What about performing well as a
husband/father or wife/mother? Granted, few outside your home
will see that performance. But God will and your children will!
And in 20 years the world will see the results of your
performance in the lives of your godly, well-adjusted children.

Status. Getting married and having children used to offer a
woman favorable social status. Now a wife/mother is "just" a
housewife. A status-seeking woman will see her family as a
bother or a hindrance. This is the driving force behind the
abortion advocates. They want the "freedom" to have sex without
the responsibility of having children. But what's wrong with
being a responsible, caring mother? What can be more challenging
and satisfying than raising godly children today? Perhaps it's
too challenging for some; that's why they are opting out.

If your sense of worth comes through your identity in Christ and
your godly character, then your family will serve as the
essential foundation for your personal development, since God
works primarily through committed relationships.

Lord, help me see my family as Your instruments to turn my focus
to eternal values instead of temporal rewards.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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